Peninsula Enterprise, July 7, 1888
Proceedings, June Term, 1888.
Thomas Balderston Quinby qualified to practice law in the county court.
Wm. T. Parker, J.P., paid into court the following fines received by him, to wit: $5 received of Abel Savage, for disturbing religious worship; $10 from Jacob Rew for assault on Mary Bowden; $5 from Edward White for assault on Moses Finney; $5 from Moses Finney for disturbing religious worship; $3 from Mary Finney for assault on Vienna Williams, and $3 from Revel Dix for disturbing religious worship.
A letter received by the court from Geo. T. Scarburgh, physician to the jail in relation to the sanitary condition of the jail, was ordered to be laid before the Board of Supervisors at its next meeting.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded, to wit; Audits of estates of Levin D. Lewis, Wm. R. Parramore, Emma Heath, Maria Parks, Edmond Stant and Louis Crockett; Mary Ann Ward's account with committee; an orphan account of Claude Guy.
Last will of John H. Chandler was proved and ordered to be recorded.
Last will of James W. Trader was proved, and John W. Northam qualified as his administrator with will annexed.
Wm. J. Gibb qualified as administrator of Wm. Thos. Smith, deceased; also as administrator of James Smith of Wm. Thos., deceased; also as administrator of Levin L. Smith of Wm. Thos, deceased.
Geo. W. LeCato qualified as administrator of John B. Bundick, deceased.
Certificate was granted John W. Bunting to obtain license to manufacture fish into oil or manure.
Certificates were granted to Wm. C. Bunting and John E. McGee to obtain license as heads of a gang controlling or using a seine to catch fish known as alewives or menhaden to be manufactured into oil or manure.
Jas. T. Weaver, inspector of oysters for 6th district made report for the quarter ending May 31st, 1888 -- collections $93.05 amount due State $81.05.
Samuel J. Davis inspector for 1st district -- collections $230.14, due State $207.13.
Samuel J. Davis inspector for 2nd district -- collections $15.39, due State $13.86.
The report of fines by the county treasurer for the years 1885 and 1886 were examined by the court and confirmed.
Bar room licenses were granted Asa Sample, Shiloh Valley; James Harmon, Belle Haven.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: George A. Edmonds, $3; Louis F. Hinman, $2; Henry T. Rayfield, $6; J. P. Thomas, $8; W. T. Core, $4; J. F. Mason, $3; Frank S. Smith, $20; Powell, Boone & Co., $3.
William Justice was appointed surveyor of road in place of J. F. Mason resigned. Thomas McCready in place of Erastus P. Poulson removed from the district.
Severn Anthony committed to jail to answer an indictment for forgery was jailed to appear and answer 1st day of October term next.
Indictments against James S. Nock because of his protracted illness were continued until the September term next.
Nolle Prosequis were entered on the indictment against Henry W. Clayton and Samuel Ewell, charged with disturbing religious worship at Crowsontown M.E. Church.
Geo. T. Clayton indicted for selling intoxicating liquors unlawfully, was tried and acquitted.
Petition was filed by D. J. Whealton and others for repairs to the Shore road on Chincoteague Island and viewers were appointed to examine and report.
Ex parte. Petition of John W. Lingo and wife's trustee (Jas. A. Fisher). Petition filed and cause referred to master commissioner.
Petition of John D. Parsons and others for a public road from Atlantic to Oak Hall [station]. Report of John D. Parsons, commr. filed, order confirming report, numbering the road as precinct No. 32 of Atlantic district and assigning the hands to work the same, allowing the expenditure made and cost incurred by the petitioners and certifying the same to Board of Supervisors to be levied to the parties entitled thereto.
Commonwealth vs. Oliver and Charles Townshend, (on indictment). Defendants tried a second time with like result as of first trial -- the failure of the jury to agree upon a verdict and same continued.
Report of John R. Coard for the rebuilding of Drummond mill bridge was filed and confirmed, and the expenditures made approved and certified to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.
Mrs. Edward Joynes vs. Susan P. Ward's admr., c.t.a. (warrant). Verdict and judgment for plaintiff.
Geo. J. Dix's admr. vs. J. Morgan Dix and others, (on petition). Affidavit filed and order entered for withdrawal from bank of share of J. Morgan Dix.
Order entered changing oyster inspector district No. 8, so as the same shall be and included "the area between the headwaters of Chesconessex Creek, including said creek and Watts Island down to the North bank of Pungoteague Creek," and changing district No. 9 so as the same shall be and include "the area between the North bank of Pungoteague Creek and Occohannock Creek and the Accomac county side to Chesapeake Bay".
The following persons were appointed as inspectors of oysters in the county of Accomac as follow, to wit: Samuel J. Davis for district Nos. 1 and 2; John W. Turlington, No. 3; Walter Bell, No. 4; John R. Johnson, No. 5; James T. Weaver, No. 6; John C. Justice, No. 7; Chas. P. Finney, No. 8; and Raymond R. Hutchinson, No. 9.
Ex parte. Petition of Wm. Bagwell Mears' guardian (Nathaniel Belote). Petition filed and cause referred to master commissioner.
John R. Ames vs. Wm. E. Jacobs' administrator. Petition filed and order awarding summons against defendants to appear and answer.
Petition of John M. Bloxom and others for public road from Mappsville to Hallwood. Order entered refusing to confirm the road as reported built and directing the commissioner to make further report, returning the contract and bond.