Peninsula Enterprise, May 14, 1892


Proceedings, April Term, 1892.

Last wills of John P. Stevenson and Noah Smith, were proved and ordered recorded.

Following fines were paid into court: By Wm. T. Parks, J.P., $20, received of Louis White, colored, convicted before him of carrying a pistol concealed; by Emory Maffitt, J.P., $5 fine, received of Gros Whealton, for shooting on public road and $2.00 fine, received of Daniel Beebe, for disturbing public peace; by L. Thos. Phillips, J.P., $5 fine, received of Walter W. Wessels and Emerson Lyons, convicted of misdemeanor.

Following fiduciary accounts confirmed and ordered recorded: Trust accounts of Albert F. Mears and Elizabeth M. Floyd; Audits of estates of Sarah F. Beach, Margaret A. Beasley, George Bradford, Upshur K. Broughton and George W. Powell; Orphan accounts of Oscar L. and Leila M. Powell.

Authority to celebrate the rites of matrimony was granted to Edward C. Adkins and Z. H. Webster, of M.E. Church, Wilmington Conference.

Commissioners were appointed to lay off, alter and rearrange road precincts in this county.

Elva A. Jeffreys was appointed and qualified as inspector of oysters for district No. 1; Joseph L. Cooper for district No. 4; James E. Anderton, district No. 5; John C. Justice, district No. 6; and Charles P. Finney, district No. 7; Wm. J. Barnes was appointed and qualified as deputy of Joseph L. Cooper.

Solomon T. Johnson, Edward R. Thomas and George W. Murphy were appointed and qualified to act as commissioners, with the shell-fish commissioner, in determining what bottoms are natural oysters beds, rocks or shoals in this county.

Oyster inspectors made report of collections from 1st day of March, 1892 to 30th day of April, 1892, (under old law) as follows: Elva A. Jeffreys, 1st district, collected, $12.99, due State, $11.63; Solomon Warner, reported "no collections"; James E. Anderton, 6th district, reported collections, $150.50, due State, $135.45.

On application of Jeremiah J., Savage, the Commissioner of Revenue was directed to grant him a license to sell religious books &c., for one year at nominal tax of one cent.

James G. Nock was appointed to examine the books of county surveyor.

Sallie F. Bundick's estate was committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.

James F. Lankford was granted authority to erect wharf upon public landing at foot of Muddy Creek road.

Upon petition of John E. Mapp and others for public road. Viewers were appointed to examine and report.

Upon petition of Parksley Land and Improvement Co., to change public road at Parksley. Order entered appointing viewers to examine and report.

Upon petition of L. W. Mears and others for a public bridge over Rogers' branch. Report of Charles P. Finney was filed, bid of John T. Rayfield accepted and commissioner was ordered to contract with said Rayfield and take bond.

Upon petition of John J. Hopkins and others for repairs to public road at Metcalf's branch. Order entered appointing B. T. Gunter, Jr., commissioner, to receive proposals.

Order on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For Wm. T. Parks and Wm. L. Long, $1 each; N. W. Nock, $2; S. S. Kellam, $11.24; Joseph C. Boggs, 20 cents; Perry Bloxom, Wm. Bull, Julius G. Matthews, John L. Gillespie, Oliver Baker and George Dixon, 50 cents each; John R. Duncan, $7; David Winder, $4; S. K. Martin, $9; Major W. Pilchard, $11; S. R. Stebbins & Son, 32 cents; Ira Payne, $5.

Inquest held by Thos. G. Clayton, J.P., and acting coroner over Samuel Barnes, deceased, was returned and filed.

Frank E. Kellam was appointed surveyor of road precinct No. 28, Pungoteague district, in place of Wm. J. Duncan, resigned.

Hon. John P. Poe, attorney general of Maryland, Hon. R. Taylor Scott, attorney general of Virginia, and W. A. P. Strang qualified to practice law in Accomac county court.

Otho F. Mears was appointed and qualified as guardian of Mabel W., Mitchell W. and Winnie Lee West, orphans of John W. West, deceased.

John J. Wise was appointed and qualified as guardian of George D., Isabella W., Harriet W., and Mary Wilkins, children of Wm. B. Wilkins.

George C. Watson was appointed and qualified as committee of the person and estate of Catharine Watson.

Joseph R. Riggs and John A. M. Whealton qualified as notaries public.

Authority to obtain license to manufacture oil or manure from fish, known as alewife was granted to American Fish Guano Co.

License to keep an ordinary (hotel) and to sell liquor by retail was granted to D. A. Martin, Pungoteague; Matthew T. West, Bloxom station, and A. S. Kellam, Wachapreague; license to keep an ordinary was granted to G. Lloyd Doughty, Belle Haven; barroom liquor license was granted to Wm. C. West, Onancock; James Harmon, Belle Haven; Wm. B. Daugherty, Daugherty; George F. Kelso, Bobtown; George E. Winder, Pungoteague; George A. Turner, Shady Grove; Jackson T. Kellam, Belle Haven; E. A. Bloxom, Locustville; Wm. L. Smith, Onancock; Harvey Marston, Keller station; Wm. H. Parker, Tasley station; James W. Bell, Wachapreague; Robert E. Bunting, Shilo Valley, and Wm. Wharton, Point of Forks; bar room and retail liquor license were granted to Thomas G. Elliott, Mappsburg station; George F. Parker, Drummondtown; James F. Wright, Gargatha; Wm. Walsh, Mappsville; James R. Hickman, Metompkin; Artemus E. Poulson, Messongo, Emory D. Hinman, Leemont; Isaiah T. Johnson, Taylorsville; James H. Bayly, Sr., Cashville; Lloyd W. Mears, Mearstown; W. C. Hall, Drummondtown; Samuel C. Mason, Masonville, and Alfred S. Bull, Fair Oaks.

Commonwealth vs. Henry Belote (on indictment for petit larceny). Defendant tried, convicted and sent to jail for 60 days.

Commonwealth vs. Thomas Bundick (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $5 and cost of prosecution, which he paid into court and was discharged.

Order entered suspending execution of contracts, until further order of court, entered into by Jas. W. Short, for repair of road from New Church to Pitts Wharf.

Order entered appointing commissioners to view and report, wether or not it is advisable to change so much of the present route of the road from New Church station to Pitts wharf as passes along front of farm of Jas. W. Short.

Isaac Phillips qualified as administrator of Edmund Phillips, deceased.

Commonwealth vs. Charles Wessels (on indictment for assault and battery and for shooting along the public highway). Defendant tried, acquitted of the assault and battery, but convicted of shooting along public highway and for it fined $5 and costs of prosecution.

Rules were awarded against Berry F. Garrison and John S. Waples.

Application of M. Fitchett Godwin and others to drain their lands through the lands of Samuel Somers and others. Order entered, appointing Wm. H. Bloxom and other free holders to view and report.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 14, 1892