August Term, 1899
Proceedings, August Term, 1899.
Ex parte: Petition of Judson R. Collins, late guardian. Report of L. Floyd Nock, late guardian, and order confirming report and for payment of costs.
Ex parte: Petition of James Alfred Mapp's guardian. Report of L. Floyd Nock, late guardian, filed and order confirming report and for payment of costs.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in favor of A. S. Taylor, J.P., allowed and certified.
Certificate granted S. James Turlington, preliminary to his examination before Supreme Court of Appeals of Va., for law license.
John Edward Nottingham Jr., of Northampton county, and Harry K. Walcott of Norfolk, were admitted to practice the law in this Court.
The Clerk reported to court the list of fines reported to him by Justices of the Peace in month of July 1899.
The Sheriff made report of the number of prisoners in jail, their offences &c.
Estates of Hezekiah J. Duncan, Augustus Roberts, Lafayette Robins and Wm. J. Roberts were committed to sheriff.
Last will of James W. Edmonds proved, and George A. Edmonds qualified as executor.
Frank Fletcher qualified as administrator of Charlotte Broadwater, Edmund Drummond as administrator of Betsey Drummond, Henry R. Boggs as administrator of Ezekiel H. Killmon and Leonard C. Mears as administrator of Mitchell W. West.
L. J. Winder & Co. vs. the Baltimore Bargain House, (on attachment). Attachment returned by constable T. G. Kellam, duly executed, garnishees examined and case continued.
M. Oldham Jr. returned to the court his certificate of the examination of the books of the Commissioners of the Revenue for 1899, which was recorded.
The loan for building the new courthouse was approved by the Judge of the Court, and certified to the Judge of the Circuit Court.
A special grand jury was empannelled and indicted George Smith for selling liquor without license, who was tried and convicted; Frank Poulson for malicious cutting with intent to maim &c.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed, to wit: Audits of estates of Edward Colona, Elizabeth A. Fletcher and James H. Fletcher; trust accounts of Benj. H. Kelso and wife, Julia Smith, Fannie S. Warren, J. M. Colona, and F. W. Sparrow; orphan accounts of Emma LeCato, Robert S. Scarborough, L. Marion, Harry V. and Joseph A. Baker, Henry R., Maggie, Ellen P., and Elizabeth Byrd, Sarah J. Anderson and Adelaide E. Hall.
Charles E. Nicolls against Wm. Nock (in debt). Order removing case from the docket.
Levi Bagwell, guardian of Alice Major, executed a new bond in a larger penalty and with additional security.
The trials of Frank Poulson, indicted for felony, were continued on Poulson's motion to first and second days of next term.
Samuel W. Ames et als, appellants, against Samuel C. McGrath appellee. Verdict for appellee and judgment of Justice of the Peace affirmed, and judgment for appellee's costs in defence of appeal.
Petition of Board of Directors of Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair Association and others for public road. Reports of commissioners, John W. Kellam and others, and James A. Winder, road machine manager, filed and confirmed; and order for payment of costs of petition and removing case from the docket.
The grand jury list for the ensuing year was made out and put in box by the Judge of the Court.
James H. Fletcher Jr., trustee, against James C. Rowles and wife and others (on petition). Report of trustee filed and confirmed.
Petition of Fletcher Drummond and others to alter public road and for a public bridge over Horse Branch near Parksley. Order entered to allow the road and build the bridge.
Petition of Thomas R. Mears and others for a public road near Chesconnessex. Order entered appointing commissioners to build the road and for payment of land damages.