November Term, 1902
Proceedings, November Term, 1902.
Nettie Jones qualified as administratrix of David W. Jones, deceased.
Erroneous assessment of personal property of George P. Parks corrected by court.
Thomas O. Kelly and William S. Ayres, Commissioners of Revenue, made their reports as to violations of revenue laws.
Herbert T. Belote qualified as guardian of Jesse B. Beloate.
Samuel L. Belote qualified as guardian of Annie, Irene and John W. Gaskins, orphans of William Gaskins, deceased.
Authenticated copy of last will and testament of John E. T. Ewell, deceased, admitted to probate as a will of realty.
John D. Read qualified as administrator of George W. Barnes, deceased.
Commonwealth vs. Will Feddeman, on an appeal. Judgment of Justice reversed and defendant committed to jail for period of fifteen days, in accordance with verdict of jury.
Ellis C. Richardson vs. The Peninsula Telephone Co., on a motion. Judgment for plaintiff for $87.50, with interest and costs.
Henry Bailey was discharged from jail, grand jury having returned indictment against him, "not a true bill".
A regular grand jury was empanelled and returned "as true bills", the following indictments: one for grand larceny; three for unlawfully selling wines, ardent spirits, &c.; one for permitting unlawful gaming; one for unlawfully shooting rabbits.
A summons was ordered against Etta Drummond for failure to appear as a witness before the grand jury.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Orphan accounts of John R. Rogers, James Fox, Mason S., Richard P. and John T. Byrd.
Commonwealth vs. Ernest Sterling, on indictment for felony. Defendant acquitted and discharged.
Commonwealth vs. R. A. Keas, on appeal No. 1 Case dismissed.
Commonwealth vs. R. A. Keas, on appeal No. 2 Judgment of Justice affirmed and constable ordered to kill the dog, mentioned in warrant for killing sheep.
Petition of Jno. S. Parsons and others to alter public road.
Report of road machine manager receiving road confirmed and order for payment of costs and compensation to Miss Maud Selby, by treasurer.
Peter B. Henderlite was authorized to celebrate the rite of matrimony.
Geo. W. Garrett qualified as administrator of Chas. W. Garrett.
Edward S. Wise qualified as deputy for Wm. S. Ayres, Commissioner of Revenue, District No. 2.
Lee James qualified as administrator of Jesse K. James, deceased.