Peninsula Enterprise, March 11, 1893
Proceedings, February Term, 1893.
The following fiduciary accounts confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Harriet Poolman, Samuel J. Lewis, William East, John F. Coleburn, Maria Milliner, Edward Bevans, George W. McMath, George B. Mapp and Wm. M. Taylor; orphan accounts of Ida Cornelia Taylor, Kate V. and M. F. Johnson, Eliza, Alexander and Lucinda Marshall, Wm. J. and Lillian F. Gunter, Teagle, Walter and John Beloat; and trust account of James Beasley and wife.
Joseph S. Bull qualified as guardian of Carroll A. Rogers, orphan of Arthur M. Rogers, deceased.
Harry O. Barulsen, a native of Norway, made his declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States.
On petition of Thomas G. Clayton and others for a public landing. Landing approved by the court and certified to Board of Supervisors for approval.
Order directing P. W. Kilmon, surveyor of road, to remove encroachments on certain portions of his road precinct.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For Matthews & Taylor $15.25; Johnson & Gladding 75 cents; John E. Wise, Samuel J. White, J. R. Riggs, Stanley J. Lewis, John T. White, George S. Mapp, John Lawrence, John W. Guy, $1 each; James W. Short $285; John Brittingham $4; Thomas P. Satchel 50 cents; Crockett & Winder, $7.86.
In the matter of Samuel T. Taylor's audit. Order authorizing clerk to check for costs, treasurer for taxes, attorney for fee and Georgie A. Tyler and Eva A. Taylor for balance of the interest, one half each.
Commonwealth vs. Lorenzo White, (on indictment for maliciously causing bodily injury with intent to maim, &c). Defendant tried, convicted of committing the offense unlawfully, sentenced to six months imprisonment in county jail, to pay a fine of $5 and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. John G. Brinney, (on indictment for petit larceny). Defendant tried, convicted and sentenced to 60 days in county jail, and to pay a fine of $25 and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Geo. Bundick, (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $5 and costs of prosecution and committed to jail until same are paid.
Commonwealth vs. James Beasley (on indictment for petit larceny). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $5 and costs of prosecution, which he paid into court and was discharged from custody.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Ailworth, (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant tried, convicted, sentenced to three months imprisonment in county jail and to pay $25 fine and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Ailworth, (on indictment for unlawful trespass). Defendant tried, convicted, sentenced to pay a $5 fine and costs of prosecution and committed to jail until same shall have been paid.
Commonwealth vs. Dell Wise, (on indictment for killing cow of W. F. Flemming). Defendant tried, found not guilty and acquitted.
Commonwealth vs. Eber Lang, (on indictment for petit larceny). Defendant tried, convicted, sentenced to 15 days in jail and to pay costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Mears, (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $20 and costs of prosecution, which he paid into court and was discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Leah Patterson and Ann Wessels, (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendants tried, acquitted and discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Richard P. W. Taylor. Continued on motion of defendant until 2nd day of next term.
Commonwealth vs. Augustus Martin, (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $5 and costs of prosecution, which he paid into court and was discharged.
An order was entered by the court that Lorenzo White, John G. Brinney, George Bundick, Wm. Ailworth and Eber Lang, tried and convicted at this term and sentenced to imprisonment in county jail be worked in the Chain Gang for the county of Accomac.
Henry R. Boggs qualified as administrator of Henry L. Kilmon, deceased.
Geo. T. West vs. Arthur R. Coard, (on petition of interpleader). Verdict for plaintiff and order directing constable to surrender property to him.