September Term, 1901
Proceedings, September Term, 1901.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Orphan accounts of Richard P., Mason S. and Mary B. Byrd, Henrietta C. Quinby, Susie F. Parker, Maggie, Elizabeth, Ellen P. and Henry R. Byrd, Gertrude, Beatrice, Linsey T., Dolena and George W. Griffin, John R. Rogers, Francis Evans, Herbert J. and Mabel T. Singleton; audit of the estate of Mary E. Marshall, deceased.
J. Harry Rew qualified to practice law in this court.
The last will and testament of Nicey Kellam, deceased, proved and ordered to be recorded.
William L. Nock qualified as administrator of Sarah Feddeman, deceased.
Letters of administration d.b.n. were granted to L. Floyd Nock on the estate of Elizabeth J. Coard, deceased.
Letters of administrators were granted to Charles R. Coard Sr. and William T. Bond on the estate of William H. Coard, deceased.
Dr. Thos. T. Taylor was appointed and qualified as committee of the person and estate of Levin T. Tunnell, a person of unsound mind.
The sheriff made report to the court the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, &c.
A retail liquor license was granted to Charles Wm. D. Taylor at his house at Mill Bridge in Pungoteague District.
Upon petition of John E. Watson and others for a public road. James A. Winder was appointed commissioner to open road in accordance with report of viewers.
The estate of Frank Marshall, deceased was committed to the hands of Lee B. Kellam, sheriff, for administration.
James J. White qualified as administrator of W. J. White, deceased.
Inquest held by H. C. Walker, Justice of the Peace, acting coroner, over the dead body of Lloyd Tankard, deceased, returned to court and ordered to be filed.
Upon petition of L. H. Ames and others for a public road. Order entered to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause, if any, why road should not be opened as proposed.
Upon petition of James A. Bott and others for a public road. Referred to the Board of Supervisors for their approval or rejection.
Ex parte: Petition of Wm. J. Gibb and others for a drain. Viewers appointed.