Peninsula Enterprise, December 17, 1892


Proceedings, November Term, 1892.

Commonwealth vs. Louis Fedder (on indictment for permitting unlawful gaming at his house of entertainment and for unlawfully opening his bar-room on Sunday). Cause continued on defendant's motion because of the absence of a material witness, who had been duly summoned.

Commonwealth vs. Major Parks Jr., (on indictment for unlawfully taking and carrying away a certain horse, the property of one C. I. Stengle). Defendant tried, convicted, paid fine and costs into court and was discharged.

Upon petition of Wm. T. Mason and others to drain Hack's Neck road. Final report of commissioner filed, order confirming same and cause removed from the docket.

Commonwealth vs. Franklin Walden (on indictment for carrying concealed weapons). Defendant tried, found not guilty and discharged.

Commonwealth vs. Algernon J. Melson (on indictment for keeping livery stables without license). Defendant tried, convicted, fined $30 and costs of prosecution and capias pro fined awarded.

Commonwealth vs. E. W. Hutchinson (on indictment for keeping livery stables without license). Defendant tried, convicted, paid fine and costs into court and discharged.

B. B. Mears vs. N.Y.,P. & N.R.R. Co., (on appeal). Appeal dismissed on motion of Mears and judgment for railroad's costs.

N.Y.,P. & N.R.R. Co., vs. S. T. Kellam (on appeal). Appeal dismissed on motion of Railroad Co., and judgment for Kellam for his recovery before a Justice and for his costs in defense of appeal.

N.Y.,P.&N.R.R. Co., vs. Thos. J. Savage (on appeal). Judgment of J. P. reversed and judgment for railroad's costs.

N.Y.,P. & N.R.R. Co., vs. Geo. W. Belote (on appeal). Judgment of J.P. reversed and for railroad's costs.

Tregallas, Hertal & Co., vs. A. P. Kellam & Co. (on appeal). Judgment of J. P., approved and for A. P. Kellam & Co.'s cost.

T. B. Smith vs. David W. Watkinson, (on attachment for rent). Petition filed by L. W. Groton claiming the property levied on except 11 ducks and a sloop. Petition sustained and judgment for petitioner's costs. Judgment for Smith vs. Watkinson and order for sale of boat and ducks.

Order entered authorizing commissioner of revenue of district No. 2 to grant Rev. J. B. Hargrave, license to sell religious books, pamphlets and periodicals in the county.

Certificates of the qualification of Wm. J. Doughty as town clerk of Onancock, Raymond R. Riley as sergeant, Thos. W. Taylor as mayor, Thos. S. Hopkins, Frank A. Merrill, L. W. Groton, E. E. Miles and S. K. Powell as councilmen, were delivered to the court and recorded according to law.

Ex parte: Petition of Carroll C. Kellam's guardian. Order entered authorizing guardian to make expenditure for ward out of his principal and pay costs of petitions.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
December 17, 1892