Peninsula Enterprise, January 10, 1891


Proceedings, December Term, 1890.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed to wit: Wm. M. and Frank C. Taylor's trust accounts; account of Wm. L. Watson, committee of Robert Watson; audits of estates of Peter M. Crockett and Sarah W. Massey; orphan accounts of Asa T. Taylor, Ida E, Albert and Isaac J. Hudson, Henry C. Bull and Ida Cornelia Taylor.

Wm. T. Parks, J.P., paid into court $2.50, a fine received of Nat Lang for assault and battery on Alfred Young.

James G. Fox qualified as Notary Public of the county of Accomac.

Accounts against the Commonwealth -- criminal cases, etc. were allowed as follows: M. Oldham, Jr., clerk, $4.30; Rebecca Joynes, $30.50; John H. Wise, sheriff, (two accounts), $36 and $19.22.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters, etc., were entered as follows: For D. F. White & Bros., $14.48; John H. Wise, sheriff, $78; J. T. Kenney, $19.70; A. J. Lilliston, $38.78; S. J. Stevenson, $5; W. C. Hall, 74 cents.

Rules were awarded against Thos. G. Clayton and Dr. F. Drummond, witnesses for Commonwealth against Samuel Lewis, which were afterwards discharged, the witnesses having shown sufficient reason for their absence.

The last will of Elizabeth D. Snead was proved and ordered recorded, and John Neely the executor named therein renounced his right to qualify, and Margaret K. Snead qualified as administratrix with the will annexed.

The last will of James T. Johnson, deceased, was proved and ordered recorded, and Benjamin G. Johnson qualified as administrator with the will annexed.

The last will of Wm. M. Taylor, deceased, was proved and ordered recorded, and John C. Taylor and Samuel T. Taylor, the executors named therein qualified.

Spencer R. Nelson qualified as administrator of David M. Shrieves, deceased; Sylvester R. Beloat qualified as administrator of James H. Beloat, deceased.

John Parker, of Nelly, was appointed and qualified as guardian of Hester Moore, orphan of Edmond and Nelly Moore, deceased.

Application of J. W. Mears, surveyor, to repair Town bridge -- order entered directing surveyor to make repairs.

Application of Harry W. Custis, surveyor, for permission to build bridges, etc. James T. Hurst, commissioner, returned his report with the contract and bond entered into by Harry W. Custis, contractor, and order was entered confirming the permission, returned his report with the contract and bond entered into by Harry W. Custis, contractor, and order was entered confirming the report, etc., and directing the work to proceed, and said commissioner to superintend the same, and when completed to make report.

Ex parte: The petition of John Parker's administrator. Order authorizing Douglas A. Martin to check out of Marine bank the shares of his wards, Mahlon F., Chillion M., Elizabeth H. and Ellen P. Byrd, to pay costs and taxes out of the same.

Petition of Peter D. Corbin and others for public road on Chincoteague Island; Report of Elijah Russell, surveyor, received, confirmed, and cause removed from the docket.

Order entered transferring certain hands on road precinct No. 6, of Atlantic district of which George R. Bunting is surveyor, to road precinct No. 13, of which N. B. Conquest is surveyor, and certain other hands from said precinct No. 6 to precinct No. 32, of which John D. Parsons is surveyor.

Order entered directing that George Tankard shall work in the chain gang during the term of confinement in jail for which he was committed on the 18th of December, last by S. R. Nelson, J.P.

Trifany Only vs. George Dix (on attachment for rent). Report of Edward S. Johnson, constable, received and confirmed, and order directing that he pay the costs out of the $73.50, net proceeds of sales, and the balance be apply in satisfaction pro tanto of the plaintiff's judgment.

In the matter of an award between S. J. Mumford and others by Upshur B. and Thos. B. Quinby, arbitrators -- the award was entered up as the judgment of the court.

The Commonwealth against Charles F. Colonna (on indictment for selling liquor to minors). Continued on Commonwealth's motion second day of the next term.

Walter Brodwater, inspector of oysters for 6th district, made report as follows; for the three months ending the 30th day of November, 1890, aggregate of collections $707.59, as follows; amount received from tongmen $228.50, from dredgers $357.46, from grounds $177.68, and from fines, penalties, etc., $4, leaving due the State after deducting his commission of 10 per cent, $636.83

Order entered awarding a venire facias for a grand jury for the next term of the court.

Custis Bayly having served out his term of six months in county jail, on his application, it appearing that he was not able to pay the costs and fine, was discharged.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 10, 1891