June Term, 1901


Proceedings, June Term, 1901.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Elizabeth E. Bowdoin, Mary A. Custis, Robert J. Parker, Fountain B. Humphreys; orphan accounts of Emma Ruth Oldham, Emma Mabel Selby, Harry Thompson Mears, Fred W. Hopkins, Thos. L. Hinman, Harvey L., Willie C., Emma May, Charles E. and Lloyd M. Gilden; trust accounts of Franklin O. Lewis and wife and William H. Miller and wife.

Authority was granted to Howard O. Keen, of Methodist Protestant Church, and George G. Senser and Bayward Wheatley, of Methodist Episcopal Church, to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

James E. Tarr qualified as road surveyor for the election district of the Islands for term ending June 30th, 1903.

Joseph J. Daley qualified as notary public for county of Accomac.

Smith W. Ames was appointed and qualified as guardian of Dolena, Gertrude, Lindsay T., Beatrice and George W. Griffin, orphans of Luke Griffin, deceased.

The sheriff made report to the court the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences, &c.

George G. Joynes appeared into court and qualified as "County superintendent of Public Free Schools" for term of four years commencing July 1, 1901.

Letters of administration were granted to Lafayette Baker on the estate of Samuel Baker, deceased.

James E. Tarr was appointed and qualified as ballast master for the district embraced in the waters of Chincoteague and Assateague Bays in the district of the Islands and for Watts Bay and the waters leading therefrom to Chincoteague Inlet, in Atlantic district.

A writ of election was issued to the sheriff of the county, for the holding of a special election in the magisterial district of "The Islands" on Saturday, the 27th day of July 1901, on the question of granting or not granting a liquor license therein.

Mary E. Henderson was appointed and qualified as guardian of Lewellyn Henderson, orphan of Oliver Henderson, deceased.

The last will and testament of Benjamin S. Rich was proved and John W. Rogers and James H. Fletcher Jr. qualified as executors.

An authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Mary L. Hayward, late of the city of Rochester, N.Y., was admitted to probate as a will of realty in this State.

Retail liquor licenses were granted to Benjamin F. Bull, at Craddockville; to Thomas M. Chandler at Harrington; and to Berkley W. West, at Pungoteague.

Letters of administration were granted to John S. Parsons on the estate of Isaac J. Hudson, deceased.

The last will and testament of Elizabeth Belote, deceased, was proved and Caroline Belote qualified as executrix.

The oaths of office of Upshur Q. Sturgis, mayor, and F. A. Merrill, F. A. West, N. W. Nock, Edward W. Hopkins and E. J. Beloat, councilmen for the town of Onancock, were returned to the court and recorded.

Ex parte: Petition of L. O. Watson and others for a public road. Viewers appointed.

Ex parte: Petition of Mrs. C. E. Smith et als for a drain. Petition filed and viewers appointed.

Upon petition of John W. Bonnewell and others for a public road. Report of viewers filed and order entered to summon proprietors and tenant to show cause, if any can, why same should not be confirmed.

Upon petition of Jas. A. Bott and others for a public road. Petition filed and viewers appointed.

Upon petition of John E. Watson and others for a public road. Petition filed and viewers appointed.

Upon petition of Frank C. Taylor and others for a public road. Report of viewers filed and same certified to Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

Upon petition of George R. Justice and others for a public bridge and alteration of road. Order appointing commissioner to build bridge and our county treasurer for funds therefor.

Certificates were granted by the Court to Roy D. White and J. Harry Rew, to make application for a license to practice law, as required by the Supreme Court of Appeals of this State.

The following officers qualified at this term of court: Supervisors -- A. J. Lilliston, Lee district; L. J. Kellam, Pungoteague district; J. W. Wessels, Metompkin; Constables -- J. C. Wescott, Pungoteague; Tank G. Kellam, Lee; Geo. D. Barnes, Metompkin; E. T. Ross Sr., Atlantic; Jno. H. Thornton, Islands; Overseers of Poor -- Samuel S. Martin, Pungoteague; A. W. Lilliston, Lee; Jos. R. Riggs, Metompkin; Edgar V. Twyford, Islands; Justices of Peace -- Jno. A. Mears, H. C. Walker, Geo. E. Winder, Pungoteague; Levi R. Boggs, Geo. F. Parker, Benj. T. Bull and Joseph L. Cooper (appointed by Judge), Lee; Thos. G. Clayton, E. W. Barnes and Thos. B. Gillespie, Metompkin; E. W. Hutchinson, S. J. Revell and A. S. Taylor, Atlantic; Sewell B. Dennis, Richard P. Reynolds and Emory Maffitt, Islands.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 6, 1901