Peninsula Enterprise, March 10, 1888


Proceedings, February Term, 1888.

Josiah P. Parker, J.P., paid into court $3, a fine received of C. W. Horner; $1 received of Henry Boston, and $1 received of Benjamin Justice.

Robert T. Harmon, J.P., paid into court a fine of $10 received of Edmund T. Burton, colored, convicted of assault and battery on John T. Poulson, colored.

Wm. T. Parks, J.P., paid into court $5 received of Benjamin Wilson, convicted of assault and battery and also a like fine of $5 received of Peter Dix, convicted of a like offence.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Orphan accounts of Harry A. and Grace E. Hopkins, Ella E., Adelbert Warren, William Bagwell, Harry Thompson, Mary E. and Benjamin T. Mears, James M., Mary A., James B. and John F. Lingo. Trust accounts of Littleton W. Dunton and Elizabeth M. Floyd. Audits of estates of William E. Jacob, Spencer Edwards, Susan R. Clayton, George J. Dix, Benjamin T. W. Byrd and George W. Kelly.

Elijah Hastings was appointed and qualified as curator of John R. Fletcher, deceased, during the pendency of the appeal on the probate of the will of said Fletcher.

George F. Parramore qualified as administrator of George C. Lewis, deceased.

The estate of Caroline K. Clayton was committed to the sheriff for administration.

Wm. Spence Finney, qualified as guardian of George T. Finney orphan of William Finney, deceased.

George T. Gladding qualified as constable for the magisterial district of Atlantic, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Neal U. Taylor

Charles P. Finney, inspector of oysters for the 8th district made report for the quarter ending 29th of February 1888 -- collections $137.50, due State $123.75.

The account of Dr. G. T. Scarburgh, physician to jail vs. Commonwealth, amounting to $7.25 for medical attention to prisoners in jail was allowed and certified.

Order entered, exempting Thos Taylor, Sr., from capitation tax because of physical incapacity to perform manual labor.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For Berry F. Garrison, $14; John W. Belote, $6; Thomas W. Blackstone, William H. Boggs and Joseph S. Bull, each $1.

Orders to purchase material and repair public bridges were entered for Levin J. Melson and Charles W. Feddeman surveyors, and to repair a public box for James F. Mason, surveyor.

John E. T. Window's exor., vs. Wilbur P. Window (on petition). Petition filed. Order directing executor to pay costs and to deposit balance of funds of defendant in Marine Bank on interest.

The local option cases vs. James S. Nock and George T. Clayton, respectively were continued because of the absence of material witnesses.

Robert L. Hopkins qualified as administrator of Stephen Hopkins, deceased.

John R. Sturgis resigned as guardian of Irwin S. Sturgis.

L. Floyd Nock qualified as guardian of Irwin S. Sturgis, orphan of Elijah W. Sturgis; and also as guardian of Florence M. Lewis, orphan of George C. Lewis, dec'd.

Petition filed by George L. Mapp and others for a public bridge across Heath's mill race -- order appointing commissioners to view, report the necessity for, how the same should be constructed and the probable cost thereof.

Petition of Louis F. Marshall and others for a public road on Saxe's Island. Continued by consent until the 3rd day of the next term.

Petition of A. J. Morse, surveyor and others for repairs to Hoffman's wharf road. Repairs and necessary appropriation therefor approved by the court and certified to Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

John McClain's administrator d. b. n. vs. John McClain and others, (on petition.) Order directing administrator to check for interest on fund in Marine Bank, pay costs and apply balance to the support and maintenance of defendants.

Ex parte petition of Della M. Johnson &c, guardian. Petition filed by Edwin T. Powell, guardian, and cause referred to Master to inquire what sums should be expended annually out of his ward's estate for their maintenance and support.

John R. Kellam vs. William T. Groten (on a F C bond taken under distress warrants). Verdict and judgment in favor of defendant.

Ex Parte petition of Cordelia S. Kellam. Order directing Gunter & Blackstone to check on Marine Bank for costs, attorney fee and for $260 to pay for board, &c, of the infant children of said Cordelia S. to wit, Otho Judson, Maggie S. and Francis J. Kellam.

L. Floyd Nock was permitted to resign as surveyor of road precinct No. 6 of Lee District, and George F. Parramore was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Patrick H. Connorton qualified as Notary Public for the county of Accomac.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
March 10, 1888