Peninsula Enterprise, January 30, 1892


Proceedings, January Term, 1892.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Orphan accounts of Ida Cornelia Taylor, Eva, James Edward, Susan, Effie and Emma Downing; Audits of estates of Thos. L. Trower, Louis S. Roberts, Thos. J. Davis and Jacob Garrison, deceased.

Walter J. Hall qualified as notary public for the county of Accomac.

Last will of Jane S. Joynes was proved and Thos. J. Custis qualified as executor thereof.

Last will of Henry S. Rew was probated, and his widow filed her relinquishment of right to qualify as executrix appointed by the will, in favor of Francis T. Rew, who qualified as administrator c.t.a.

Solomon T. Johnson qualified as administrator of Rachel Marshall, deceased, and Ambrose S. Taylor as administrator of Geo. Northam, colored, deceased.

The estate of Wm. K. Parker, colored, was committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.

Inquest held over Isaac S. Baker, deceased, by Wm. T. Parks, J.P., and acting corner, was returned and filed.

John S. Ames, acting guardian, vs. Louis Boggs, (on attachment for rent.) Dismissed on motion of plaintiff.

John T. Shield, &c., agents, vs. Wm. Beasley, (on attachment for rent.) Report of constable filed, confirmed and cause removed from docket.

Wm. Young vs. Geo. W. Perkins, (on attachment for rent) Report of constable filed, stating no sale "for want of bidders," and order entered for peremptory sale at Court House of property levied upon, on Saturday, 13th day of February.

Orders on county treasurer in public bridge matters entered as follows: For F. T. Stockley, $3.56, $10.35 and $7.96.

Upon petition of L. W. Mears and others for a public bridge over Rogers' branch. Report of Chas. P. Finney, commissioner, filed, approved and referred to Board of Supervisors.

The Commonwealth vs. W. B. and J. T. Shield, (on rules for failing to attend as witnesses.) Defendants excused on account of illness.

Rules were awarded against Levin Booth and Henry Bowden to show why they should not be fined for failing to attend as witnesses for Commonwealth before grand jury against James Marshall.

A special grand jury was empannelled and returned, "true bills" three for felonious dredging, two for selling liquor without license and one for carnal knowledge of female under 12 years of age, and ignored by returning, one for unlawfully injuring and defacing property, one for unlawful trespass, one for unlawful gaming at House of Entertainment, one for rape, one for housebreaking with intent to commit larceny, one for feloniously taking oysters, and parties in jail to answer indictments ignored, released at once.

Andrew Hickman and Chas. Beach, colored, having served the respective terms for which they were committed to jail, and being unable to pay fine and costs were released.

Commonwealth vs. Jeff D. Mister, (on indictment for assault and battery.) Defendant appeared and plead not guilty. Cause continued on Commonwealth's motion because of absent and material witnesses, and defendant recognized to appear and answer on first day of next term.

Commonwealth vs. schooner Elexina, (on an information alleging that schooner had been used in taking oysters feloniously.) Case heard, allegations of information found true, order entered declaring schooner forfeited to commonwealth and directing her to be sold by sheriff, &c.

Writs of scire facias were awarded against Noah Riggins, Dennard R. Riggin, John W. Wilson, and John W. Marsh, their surety, because of their failure to appear in conformity with the conditions of their recognizance entered into before the circuit court of this county.

John Wm. Case, who was recognized by the judge of this court, in vacation, to appear and answer certain accusations of felony, failed to appear. His default was entered and writ of scire facias was awarded against George Henry Case and Bethany Floyd who recognized for the said John Wm., who is a minor.

Upon application of Perry Bloxom, surveyor, to widen road just above Mappsville. Order entered appointing Samuel W. Matthews, commissioner, to view the road and report as the law directs.

John E. T. Window's executor vs. Maggie E. Winder, (on a petition.) Report of James H. Fletcher, Jr., attorney, filed. Order confirming the same and removing cause from docket.

Report of Henry E. Byrd, assigning hands to work road precinct No. 31, of which K. C. Horsey is surveyor, received, confirmed, and commissioner allowed $2 for his services.

Delaware, Maryland and Virginia Railroad Company, appellant, vs. John H. Arbuckle, appellee. Case dismissed by consent, having been agreed between the parties.

Patrick J. Rew was appointed surveyor of roads in place of James G. Fox, excused.

Thomas Edward Somers, a seafaring man, was excused from serving as surveyor of roads and order appointing him as such was rescinded, and Littleton Taylor of Robt., was appointed surveyor in lieu of said Somers in place of Marcellus Small, resigned.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 30, 1892