Peninsula Enterprise, August 13, 1892


Proceedings, July Term, 1892.

The commissioners appointed to assess the compensation of James Parks of B., for his land for public road, made report and allowed him the same amount as was allowed by the viewers.

Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy cases were allowed as follows: Wm. M. Taylor, J.P., $1; Dr. George L. Ames, $2.50; Levi R. Boggs, J.P., $2; Dr. George T. Scarburgh, $25.25; and J. H. Wise, sheriff, $102.66.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For W. M. Taylor, $4.75; John T. Rayfield, $125; Charles P. Finney, $4; Frank Kilmon, $8; Upshur T. Bradford, $2; Thomas R. Mears, $11; Marcellus Small, $37.20; Richard W. Somers, $3.36; James H. Truitt, $18.22; J. T. Auld, $3.12; John Brittingham and Wm. T. Fletcher, $1 each; R. J. Parker, $100; Ben T. Gunter, Jr., $4; John T. Budd, $1; John L. Warren, $17.51; and S. S. Kellam, $3.96.

Following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Orphan accounts of Bessie and Maggie D. Evans; Henrietta and Hanson Mason; Wm. J. and Lillie F. Gunter; Asa T., Jewel A., Sherwood W. and Minnie S. Dix; Alexander, Lucinda and Eliza Marshall; audits of estates of Charles Drummond, colored, and Thomas P. Copes; trust accounts of Wm. T. Winder and George Bundick.

John A. Bundick qualified as administrator of E. R. Smith and Geo. P. Barnes, deceased.

The committal of the estate of Jno. M. West, deceased, to J. H. Wise, sheriff was revoked and Wm. J. Wyatt and John B. Willis qualified as administrators of said decedent.

The last wills of John W. Smith, John Y. Fitchett and Thomas C. Parramore were proved and ordered to be recorded.

Wm. E. Fitchett qualified as administrator c.t.a. of John Y. Fitchett, deceased, and John D. Parsons as administrator of Thomas J. Brittingham, deceased.

The freeholders appointed today of road precincts in the district of the Island made their report which was entered on record and filed for exceptions. It divides the Island into two road precincts.

Orders to build bridges, dig ditches and repair public roads were entered in favor of the following surveyors; Wm. H. Bull, Henry C. Davis, John W. Evans, S. F. Marshall, Wm. B. Duncan, James H. Tindle, John T. White, A. W. Mears, James W. Bloxom, Robert L. Bull and Asa J. Taylor.

Authority to celebrate rites of matrimony within the magisterial district of the Island was granted to James B. Workman.

Ex parte: Petition of Geo. H. Hargis's ex'or. Report of executor, Sam'l T. Ross, filed.

The report of the freeholders laying off the road precincts of Lee district were confirmed, and no exception being taken thereto, surveyors for same were appointed accordingly.

Jos. R. Riggs, Wm. H. Bloxom and Dr. John W. Bowdoin were appointed viewers of the public road in Metompkin district leading from the main bayside road to the Guard Shore, to view and report any encroachments upon said road &c.

Petition of W. W. Trader and others, for change of public road in precinct No. 14 of Atlantic district. Order appointing viewers, John N. Watson, John W. Stevenson and Fountain B. Humphreys to view and report upon same.

In matter of changing public road passing along front of James W. Short's farm, John Brittingham and Wm. T. Fletcher, commissioners, filed their report and the court made a further order appointing five viewers to view and report upon change.

Upon petition of Thomas G. Clayton and others, for public landing at head of Young Creek's, the court appointed Wm. T. Parks, John T. White and D. H. Johnson, viewers to report as the statute requires.

Upon petition of John E. Mapp and others for a public road. On motion of Edward Kilmon, one of the proprietors of the lands to be taken, the court appointed Arthur T. Mears, Zoro C. Mason, John T. Nock, James K. Harmon and P. W. Kilmon to meet at the residence of said Edward Kilmon on the 15th of August, to determine the just compensation to said Kilmon.

Upon application of L. J. Corbin and others, for a public bridge over Assawoman mill branch, the court appointed Henry E. Dennis, John N. Watson and N. W. Nock to examine and report upon the necessity &c. for said bridge.

Upon petition of McComas Justice and Sam'l C. Taylor for a drain, summons were awarded to D. F. White, M. F. Godwin and Henry Thomas, commissioners, to show cause why they should not be fined for their contempt in failing to report as required by the order of 2d day of September, 1891.

The Commonwealth vs. Webster Taylor (on an indictment for carrying a pistol concealed and for assaulting one George Wessels). The defendant was tried, found not guilty by jury and discharged.

Commonwealth vs. John Shrieves of Thomas, (on indictment for defacing trees marking the boundary line between lands of James S. Lewis and Thomas W. Shrieves), defendant plead not guilty and evidence being heard, attorney for the court entered a nolle prosequi.

Commonwealth vs. N.Y.P. & N.R.R. Co., (on indictment). The case was continued until 2d day of next September term.

The per diem and mileage of the jurors attending at this term amounts to $243.58, payable out of the State treasury.

Dr. John H. Ayres, Sam'l T. Ross and George F. Parker were appointed inspectors of the jail and appearing into court the oath prescribed by law was administered to them by the judge.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 13, 1892