Peninsula Enterprise, November 15, 1890
Proceedings, October Term, 1890.
Edward Hickman's executors vs. Jno. W. Hickman's executor and others. Final decree.
Ex parte: George H. Palmatory, an Overseer of the Poor, 1880, October 9. Report of sheriff filed.
Anna P. Riley, &c's guardian vs. Anna P. Riley and others and Wm. G. Riley vs. Shalmanezer Davis and wife, &c. Decree for sale of U. S. bond, payment of expense and attorney's fee, for re-investment and deposit in bank.
Nathaniel B. Smithers and others vs. Elizabeth F. Seymour's ex'or. Decree providing for further payment of annuity and costs of suit.
Geo. W. Walker, &c., who sue, &c., vs. James K. Walker's adm'r. &c. Decree confirming J. W. G. Blackstone's report.
Parker & Neely, who sues, &c. vs. William Killman and other. Final decree.
Margaret F. Mapp vs. Elizabeth L. Mapp and others. Decree confirming report of L. Floyd Nock, trustee.
Wm. C. Pitts &c's guardian vs. Wm. C. Pitts and others. Final decree.
James T. Hurst and wife, &c. vs. Sally J. Russell and others. Final decree.
George T. Mapp's adm'r. judgment creditor, who sue, &c. vs. Nathaniel S. Roberts. Final decree.
John N. Berry and wife, &c. vs. Wm. Elliott and wife &c. Final decree.
Thomas Lilliston's ex'ors vs. Henry S. Dix and wife. Decree for collection of money loaned out, and for release or deposit of principal.
John Lesner gd'n vs. Jas. D. Brady, trustee et als. Decree authorizing surviving special commissioner to release of principal and interest of bond of John Lesner.
Jacob Stratton and others vs. Cato Stratton and others. Decree for payment of costs and share of Louis Sample, 1890 November 5th, report of special commissioner filed.
Charles B. Lilliston vs. Sallie T. Lilliston and others. Decree confirming report of J. W. G. Blackstone.
James Q. Williams who sue, &c. vs. John H. Marshall and others. Decree directing payment to H. C. Lindsay's widow and deposit in bank of certain shares.
John F. Bundick and wife vs. Jacob L. Ayres and wife, &c. Final decree.
Ex parte: Petition of Mary E. Dunton's administrator. Final decree.
Geo. W. Core and others vs. Isaiah T. Johnson and wife and others. Decree for purchasing horse for Clarence Wise for receiving money loaned out, payment of costs, &c.
Thomas H. Kellam's &c. guardian vs. Thomas H. Kellam and others. Decree for collection of purchase money.
Ex parte: The petition of Asa J. Crockett and others, trustee of Ocean Lodge No. 116, A.F.& A.M. Final decree.
A. Frank Byrd and wife, &c. vs. Geo. W. Matthews, Sr., &c. Decree confirming special commissioner's report.
Ex parte: The petition of Henry C. Stern and others, trustees. Final decree.
Samuel A. Godwin and wife, &c. vs. Andrew J. McCready and others. Decree confirming report of special commissioner, for payment of costs and attorney's fee and for further collection.
The W. Lea & Sons Co., who sue, &c. vs. Edward A. Baker, trustee and others and A.F. & J. Wm. Horner vs. Edward A. Baker, trustee and others. Referred to Master Commissioner.
Robert S. Drummond vs. Jas. Smith and wife, &c. Decree confirming special commissioner's report.
C. S. Witham and brother vs. E. T. Churn, &c., trustees. Final decree.
Frank J. Barnes and wife vs. Stanley J. Lewis and wife, &c. Decree for payment of costs, attorney's fee and for distribution.
Francis E. Kelly & Co., judgment creditors, who sue, &c. vs. John B. Downing and wife, &c. Decree confirming sale in payment of costs, taxes, for conveyance and distribution.
Isaiah W. Justice and others vs. Sallie F. Justice and others. Final decree.
Edmond Wise vs. Lucy Wise. Final decree divorcing plaintiff and defendant.
James Myer & Co., who sue, &c. vs. John T. Lewis admr. and others. Decree for confirming special commissioner's report, except as to sales, of lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, for conveyance to S. J. Linton, for collection of purchase money, payment of costs, &c.
John S. Ames and wife, &c. vs. John O. Downing's admr. and others. Decree for payment of costs, deposit in bank and referred to Master Commissioner.
James T. Hurst and wife vs. John T. Russell and others. Decree for deposit in Marine bank of share of Rebecca Russell.
Henry West vs. James T. Hatton and wife &c. Decree for payment of cost and distribution.
John C. Jones vs. Georgianna Jones. Decree divorcing parties.
Annie D. Trower, &c's guardian vs. Annie D. Trower and others. Final decree.
Charles H. Coleburn, assignee judgment creditor, who sue, &c. vs. Wm. S. Byrd's admr. and others. Decree for conveyance, payment of costs and to plaintiff.