Peninsula Enterprise, March 31, 1888
Proceedings, March Term, 1888.
Samuel T. Ross, commissioner of accounts filed his report as to the sufficiency &c., of the county Treasurer's official bond.
Last wills of Hettie Dix and Gillet B. Mears, deceased, were proved and ordered to be recorded.
Robt. S. Drummond qualified as administrator of Arthur H. Drummond, deceased, and Nathaniel Beloate as administrator of John W. Beloate, deceased.
Walter D. Lewis, resigned the guardianship of Geo. G., John W., Bessie S. and Claude W. Kelly, orphans of George W. Kelly, deceased, and their mother, Elizabeth C. Kelly, qualified as their guardian.
John P. L. Hopkins qualified, as guardian of Stephen Upshur Hopkins, orphan of Stephen Hopkins, deceased.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Orphan accounts of Sarah and James Blids, Elma K. and Mary Lillian Lewis, Mary E., Henry C., Benjamin F., Bessie L., Alice N. and Blanche M. Bull, John S. and Sadie Small, Maggie and Annie W. Turner, Wilbur T. and Maggie Window. Audits of estates of Joseph T. Bull, Willianna Rayfield and Nancy B. Coard. Trust accounts of James A. Fisher, trustee, with John W. Lingo's trust fund.
Orders to purchase material and repair certain public bridges were entered in favor of Levin R. Lewis and J. T. Rew, surveyors of roads.
Order to buy material and build box bridge entered in favor of Emory D. Hinman, surveyor of roads.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: Custis Northam $9; John H. Loffland $34.75; Wm. H. Dennis, $5; John R. Duncan, $6; Littleton J. Tull, $6; Sam'l B. Slocomb, $7; E. T. Groten, $8; John S. Davis, $28; Wm. H. Marshall, $12; W. J. Johnson of S., $9; W. S. Miles, $8; Henry C. Davis, $3; Ira Hopkins, $5; George S. Mapp, $16; James N. Turlington, $3; Wm. H. Phillips, $4.20; J. T. Rew, $14; Jno W. Evans, $12.
James N. Turlington resigned as surveyor of road precinct No. 6 of Lee district and John E. Harmon was appointed to fill the vacancy.
Geo. A. Taylor was appointed surveyor of road precinct No. 27 of Atlantic district in place of Elias Jester, removed from the precinct.
Inspectors of oysters made reports for the quarter ending February 29th, 1888, as follows, to wit; Samuel J. Davis for 1st district, collections $29.63, due State $26.67; Leroy C. Bulman for 4th district, collections $5.30, due State $4.77; John R. Johnson for 5th district, collections $623.85, due State $61.47; James T. Weaver for 6th district, collections $251.35, due State $226.22; John C. Justice for 7th district, collections, $511.27, due State $460.15.
John E. T. Window's executor vs. Maggie E. Window. Order for payment of costs by plaintiff, and deposit of residue named in petition belonging to defendant in the Marine bank of Norfolk, Va., on interest account.
A regular grand jury was empaneled and returned an indictment vs. John R. Sturgis for carrying concealed weapons, true bill; an indictment vs. John W. Hart for unlawfully selling intoxicating liquor, a true bill; an indictment vs. same for same offence, "not a true bill;" and indictment vs. Ezekiel Bunting for unlawfully destroying forest trees, "a true bill"; and indictment vs. Edward Burton for carrying concealed weapons "a true bill;" and indictment vs John E. Burch, Jr. and John E. Burch, Sr., for grand larceny, "not a true bill;" an indictment vs. Wm. H. Williams and Wm. Allen respectively, for shooting with intent to maim, "true bills," trials set for first day of next term; an indictment vs Oliver and Charles Townsend for petit larceny, "a true bill."
The Commonwealth vs. Jas S. Nock (on 3 indictments) continued until the 1st day of June term next, because of the protracted illness of the defendant.
Same vs. Geo. T. Clayton. Continued until the 1st day of next term, and rules awarded vs. Commonwealth's witnesses to show cause why they should not be fined for failing to attend court on 1st day of last term.
Ex Parte Petition of Della M. Johnson's &c, guardian. Order entered for annual expenditure by guardian out of Ward's principal for their maintenance and support, and for payment of costs.
Order directing B. T. W. Byrd's admr. c. t. a. to deliver the personal estate of said decedent to his legatee, Elither Ann Byrd, without refunding bond.
Upon petition of Louis F. Marshall &c, for public road on Saxe's Island. Order entered directing viewers to file an amended report, showing how and of what the road should be built if ordered &c.
Smith, Jones & Co., appellants vs. Mark L. Stebbins appellee (upon appeal from judgment of J. P. recovered by appellee vs. appellants). The court reversed the judgment of the Justice and entered judgment; for the appellants for the amount for which they brought their warrants.