Peninsula Enterprise, March 6, 1886
February Term, 1886.
Ex Parte: Petition of Elizabeth M. Scarburgh's executors. Decree for payment of costs and distribution and removing cause from docket.
Ephraim Parkes, colored, exempted from payment of capitation tax, because too old and infirm to perform manual labor.
Orders on county treasurer were entered as follows, in road and bridge matters: Wm. J. White, $3; John E. Mears, $1; Maurice L. Lewis, $13.20; James T. Edwards, $17.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded; Lucinda E. Walker's trust account; Wm. P. Mason's audit; Parker Miles' audit.
Ex Parte Petition of John M. Parker's administrator, who was executor of Revel Parker, deceased. Petition filed and order directing John M. Parker's administrator to pay costs, attorney's fee and to deposit shares of legatees of Revel Parker, deceased, in Marine bank on interest account.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in criminal cases were allowed as follows; Joseph W. Mears, J.P., $3.50; George T. Scarburgh, M.D., $4; Levin J. Gunter, constable, $4.30; John H. Wise, sheriff and jailor, (two accounts) $135 and $19.05; Duffield Savage, $36.
An inquest of Wm. S. Hope, J.P., over dead body of Lizzie Perkins was returned and filed.
Henry F. Powell qualified as administrator d. b. n., with will annexed of Henry R. Gray, deceased.
Louis P. Rogers qualified as administrator of Perry Mears, deceased.
John R. Kellam, John T. Powell and Joseph E. Brodwater, each qualified as Notary Public for the county of Accomac.
A bar room license was granted to Lafayette Bayly at his house near Horntown.
Order entered reducing the assessment of N. F. Walters' real estate near Savageville.
Order entered reducing the assessed value of a certain tract of land of James L. Belote.
Upon petition of John M. Bloxom and others for public road. Order entered to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause against opening of the road.
Upon petition of A. J. Taylor and others for public bridge. Petition filed.
Reports of processioners for following district were returned to the court and ordered to be recorded: St. George's Parish, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 7th, 5th, Accomac Parish, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th.
John W. Turlington, inspector of oysters for 3rd district, made report for quarter ending November 30th, 1885, showing amount due by him to Commonwealth to be $12.60.
Commonwealth vs. John H. Fisher (on an indictment for felony). The defendant was arraigned, tried and jury failing to agree, case was continued until 2nd day of next term for a new trial, and defendant was recognized to appear an answer.
The last will and testament of Sarah R. Heath, deceased, partly proven by oath of Tully W. Parker, and commission awarded to take the attestation of the other subscribing witness who resides in Baltimore.
Order entered transferring bar room license of Albert J. Rew at Woodberry, to Perry Lewis.
Order entered allowing Wm. Somers to transfer liquor license from Winterville to Muddy Creek.
The N.Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., appellant , against Sarah Budd and others, appellees, (upon an appeal from the judgment of the Justice of the Peace.) Judgment in favor of appellees against appellant affirmed.
Upon petition of Major E. Selby and others for public road. Petition filed and order entered appointing viewers.
Charles B. Lilliston vs. Wm. T. Walker, (in detinue for a colt). Judgement for plaintiff.
James T. Lilliston vs. L. Floyd Nock, (in debt). Plaintiff noll suited.
Clerk and receivers ordered to pay Mary Jane Rew, $25, railroad damages allowed.
John A. Chambers qualified as administrator of Elijah Spence, deceased.
Henry L. Crockett qualified as guardian of Donio Rolly, orphan of Raymond R. Rolly deceased.
Upon petition of Ambrose S. Taylor and others for public road. Rule awarded against viewers to show cause why they should not be fined for failure to make report.
Sylvester L. Thornton by John H. Thornton, next friend, appellant, vs. William W. Ling, appellee, (upon an appeal from judgment of Justice of the Peace). Judgment of Justice in favor of appellant affirmed, and judgment for appellee's costs in defence of appeal.
Upon petition of Eugene W. Barnes and others for a public road and landing through the lands of Mrs. Elizabeth W. Kelly, and for public landing (at Back landing). Petition filed and order appointing viewers.
James T. Lilliston qualified as administrator of Robert Lilliston, deceased.
Upon application of James F. Mason, surveyor of road precinct No. 10 of Metompkin district, to alter public road. Application entered and viewers appointed.
Upon petition of John T. Johnson, surveyor to repair bridge over Machipungo creek. Estimate of necessary expenses certified to Board of Supervisors.