Peninsula Enterprise, July 18, 1896
Proceedings, June Term, 1896.
The following accounts against Commonwealth were allowed in criminal and lunacy cases: Geo. F. Parker, J.P., $15.50 and $3; Tankard G. Kellam, constable $2.70; A. S. Taylor, J.P., $1; L. F. J. Wilson, J.P., $1; Dr. Jos. E. Brodwater, $2.50; Dr. J. W. Kellam, $5; jailer, $99.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Audit of estate of John S. Johnson, deceased; trust account of Rachel Ann Crockett, Margaret B. Willis &c.; orphan accounts of Evelyn W., Alice L., and Almer D. Mister, Harrison W. Mason, Chas. H. and Minnesota Lewis; Geo. W. Tull's account with committee.
Dr. Jos. E. Brodwater was appointed coroner for Accomac Parish and Dr. Geo. L. Ames for St. George's Parish each for term of two years, commencing July 1st instant.
Upon petition of James H. W. Parks and others for public bridge over Bagwell's Creek. Report of viewers returned and petition dismissed.
Order entered substituting Joseph C. Wescott, trustee in deed from J. E. Sparrow and others for benefit of Charles Hall Davis.
Joseph J. Wescott resigned as guardian of Essie Wescott.
A certificate of the persons elected, on the 4th Thursday in May last, Mayor, recorder and councilmen for the town of Belle Haven was laid before the court and ordered to be recorded.
The oaths of office subscribed by Peter W. Bonawell as councilman for the town of Saxis were returned to the court and recorded.
The oaths of office taken and subscribed by the mayor and councilmen for the town of Onancock were returned to the court and recorded.
The last will of Margaret J. Matthews, deceased, was proved and ordered to be recorded.
The last will of Bagwell Chandler, deceased, was proved, ordered to be recorded and Henry R. Boggs qualified as executor.
The last will of Ellen H. Lilliston deceased, was proved, ordered to be recorded and Alfred J. Lilliston qualified as executor.
John W. Mears qualified as administrator of Calvin T. Mears , deceased.
James H. Fletcher Jr., qualified as administrator of James H. Fletcher Sr., deceased.
Margaret C. Grinnalds qualified as administratrix of Jno. W. Grinnalds, deceased.
Edward L. Anderson qualified as guardian of his sister, Sarah Y. Anderson.
Ex parte: Petition of Charles A. Gibbons &c.'s guardian. Order for payment of 1895 and 1896 taxes, costs and share of Charles A. Gibbons.
Geo. W. Barnes' admr. c.t.a., vs. Frank Barnes et. als., (on petition). Order for payment of 1895 and 1896 taxes, costs and share of Kate E. Jones, nee Barnes.