October Term, 1898
Proceedings, October Term, 1898.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Orphan accounts of John R. Rogers, James B. Lingo, Manly W. Winder; H. C. Walker and wife's trust accounts; audit of estate of Annie M. Smith.
Order entered directing Annie M. Smith's late administrator c.t.a. (J. W. G. Blackstone) to pay over and deliver to her administrator d.b.n.c.t.a. (Stewart K. Powell) the balance due her estate.
Last will of John L. Ward proved and Spencer F. Rogers qualified as administrator with will annexed.
Charles C. Dix qualified as administrator of Charles Gibbons, colored, deceased; L. Floyd Nock as administrator of Edward C. Parkes, deceased; and Charles J. Revell as administrator of Isaac Sharp, deceased.
The sheriff reported the number of prisoners in jail -- twelve.
The clerk returned a list of the fines reported to him by Justices of the Peace in month of September.
Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy cases were allowed: To Luther N. Boggs, J.P., $1; jailer (board of prisoners) $156.60, (board of lunatic) $31.75.
Order entered directing jailer to summon guard for the jail.
Henry E. Byrd qualified as Notary Public for county of Accomac.
On W. F. Mears and others' petition for public road (from Nock's Branch to Melfa). Road approved by the court and referred to Board of Supervisors.
Ex parte: Clarence P. Custis &c's guardian. Report of J. W. G. Blackstone filed and confirmed, and for payment of costs and deposit in Marine Bank.
Charles Ludwig Fick, a native of Germany, was admitted a citizen of the United States (naturalized).
Nathaniel B. Wescott was appointed trustee in lieu of George W. Mason, deceased, in deed from John W. Hornsby and wife.
Stewart K. Powell was appointed trustee in lieu of Jno. W. Gillet, deceased, in deed from Mary Mason et als.
George F. Parker was appointed trustee in lieu of Upshur B. Quinby, deceased, in deed from John P. Walker, deceased.
Ex parte: Wm. H. Harmon's administrators. Report of J. W. G. Blackstone filed and confirmed; and order for payment of costs, taxes and for advances by acting guardian for William H. Harmon.
A. S. Churn vs. E. Killman's administrator. Continued to second day of next term.
Ex parte: Clarence S. Kilmon, &c.'s guardian. Report of guardian filed and confirmed, for collection of bond and reloan.
Petition of Joseph E. Brodwater and others for drain at Temperanceville. Petition filed and order appointing commissioners.
Petition of Wm. M. Needles and others for public road at Franklin City. Report of John S. Parsons, commissioner, with the contractor's bond, filed and confirmed, and the building of the road ordered to proceed.
Petition of O. H. Taylor and others for public road (near Jenkins Bridge). Order appointing John L. Rayfield received, in place of Perry Bloxom, deceased.
John S. McMath, &c.'s guardian et als. Order authorizing guardian of defendants to make expenditures for their education, &c.
Ex parte: Petition of Florence M. Lewis' late guardian, L. Floyd Nock. Order for collection of certain loans, payment of costs and 1898 taxes and for reloan.