Peninsula Enterprise, January 8, 1887
December Term, 1886
Last will of James S. Bell proved and ordered to be recorded.
Estates of Samuel Downing and Thos. Melvin, committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded, to wit; orphan accounts of Charles Thos Allen, Sadie W., Henry L., Ida, Alberta and Isaac J. Hudson, Margaret Coleburn, Mary and Sallie Saulsbury, John W. Lingo's trust account, James S. Humphrey's audit and Grace E. and Harry A. Hopkins' orphan account.
Upshur B. Quinby qualified as administrator of Willianna Rayfield, deceased; John C. Parks of Noah Parks, deceased; John W. Bowdoin of Edward Bloxom, deceased; and Walter D. Lewis of George W. Kelly, deceased.
The renunciation of John E. T. Ewell of his right to qualify as one of the executors of Ann Elizabeth Ewell, deceased, was ordered to be recorded.
Otho F. Mears qualified as Notary Public for the county of Accomac.
Accounts of William H. B. Custis and Dr. Burleigh C. Kellam, against the Commonwealth were allowed and certified.
Order entered directing Samuel T. Ross, surveyor of road, to repair his precinct at the expense of the county.
Bar room license were granted to Douglas A. Martin at "Head of Bradford's Neck" and Walker & Bro., at "Coal Kiln."
Inspectors of oysters for quarter ending November 30th, 1886 made report as follows: Samuel J. Davis for 1st district, amount collected, $71.70, amount due State, $64.53. Same for 2nd district, amount collected $8.50, due State $7.65; John W. Turlington for 3d district, amount collected, $17.12, due State, $15.41; Leroy C. Bulman for 4th district, amount collected, $7.25, due State $6.53; John R. Johnson for 5th district, amount collected, $802.00, due State, $721.80; James T. Weaver for 6th district, amount collected, $556.97, due State, $428.37; John C. Justis for 7th district, amount collected $608.90. due State $548.01; R. R. Hutchinson for 9th district, amount collected, $264.56, due State, $238.23.
Julia Chandler vs. John H. Melson, (on attachment for rent). Report of constable filed and confirmed, order for payment of costs and to plaintiff.
Margaret E. Joynes, trustee, vs. Lafayette Robins, (on attachment for rent). Attachment returned, docketed and continued.
John C. P. Kellam vs. Geo. Webb, (on attachment for rent.) Judgment for plaintiff, order of sale, payment of costs, &c.
George W. Turner vs. Thomas Sample, (on attachment for rent.) Judgment for plaintiff, order of sale, payment of costs, &c.
Order entered allowing Wm. P. Lewis, surveyor of road, to repair public bridge at expense of county.
Order entered dividing precinct No. 11 of Pungoteague District into two road precincts, numbered 11 and 30 -- No. 30 to extend from corner of Thomas Ayres' field to Fair Oaks.
The following persons were appointed surveyors of public roads: John Lawrence of No. 30, Pungoteague District; Erastus Poulson of No. 22, Benjamin F. Young of No. 20, Geo. S. Hope of No. 9, James T. Justice of No. 14, and Prince A. Taylor of No. 16 of Metompkin District.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: Francis T. Stockley, $29.25; Edward T. Joynes, $7.50; W. W. White, $8.50; W. W. Bull, $9; Wm. Northam of E., $10; Alex M. Lewis, $6; John W. Belote, $4; J. W. Taylor, $8.20; Parker Barnes, $1.48; C. C. Parks, $1.50; G. A. Edmonds, $2; J. E. Justice, $8; A. J. Wessels, $1; R. W. Walker, $4.
Commonwealth vs. Cephas Hall, (on indictment for felony.) Continued on motion of Commonwealth until next term and defendant recognized to appear and answer.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. T. Winder, (on indictment). Continued by consent.
Same vs. Isaac Sommers et als, (on a Scire Facias.) Verdict and judgment for Commonwealth.
Same vs. Edward Justis, (on indictment.) Continued on motion of Commonwealth.
Same vs, W. D. Lewis, (on indictment for keeping livery stable without license.) Verdict for defendant and judgment of acquittal.
Same vs. Wm. Phillips, (on indictment for selling intoxicating liquors.) Plea of not guilty and jury disagreeing cause continued.
Same vs Duffield Savage, (on indictment for selling intoxicating liquors.) Jury disagreeing cause continued.
Ex Parte: John D. Grant, admr. of Edward Nelson; in the matter of Samuel Taylor's audit; and G. W. Barnes' admr. c. t. a. vs. Frank Barnes, &c., infants. Order entered allowing John J. Blackstone, county treasurer, to check on Marine bank on funds deposited to credit of said causes for taxes and levies for year 1886.
Accounts of John H. Wise, sheriff and jailor for board, &c., of lunatics and criminals confined in jail allowed and ordered to be certified.
Raymond R. Stant was appointed ballast-master for Swansea Gut Creek in this county; and James C. Weaver was appointed justice of the peace for the district of Lee in this county in place of Francis M. Sturgis, resigned; and Dr. Geo. T. Scarburgh was appointed physician for the jail.
Walter D. Lewis, was appointed and qualified as guardian of Geo. G., John Claude and Bessie Kelly, orphans of Geo. W. Kelly, deceased.
Petition filed by L. Floyd Nock ,surveyor of road precinct No. 1 of Lee district and order directing him to purchase materials and repair his precinct.
Upon petition of Wm. L. Conant and others for public road. Report of viewers recommitted with instructions.
Order was entered awarding a scire facias against Oliver J. Taylor et als for violation of recognizance, to appear before A. S. Taylor, J.P., and answer criminal charge.
Upon petition of E. W. Barnes and others for a public road and landing. Order entered for establishing road and landing, subject to concurrence of Board of Supervisors.