Peninsula Enterprise, November 12, 1892
Proceedings, October Term, 1892.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Audits of estates of Hiram P. Poulson, Ann Young, colored, and Thomas Kilmon; committee account of Archibald Annis; trust accounts of G. G. Fox; and orphan accounts of Geo. T. Finney and James F. Kellam.
Thomas B. James qualified as administrator of Thomas R. Ayres, deceased.
Last will of Wm. C. Waters was proved and Wm. F. Waters qualified as executor.
Last will of Edward W. Taylor was proved.
Authenticated copy of last will of Isaac D. Coffin, late of Worcester County, Md., was admitted to probate.
Last will of Sally Lewis was proved and D. Frank White qualified as executor.
Seymour B. Ward qualified as guardian of Alexander Carlton Ward.
A regular grand jury was empanelled and returned following indictments, (true bills): One for permitting unlawful gaming at house of entertainment; two for petit larceny; one for taking and carrying away personal property unlawfully; one for taking oysters feloniously; four for assault and battery; one for feloniously burning fodder stacks; two for keeping livery stables without license; one for carrying concealed weapons; one for opening bar-room on Sunday -- and returned (not true bills); one for feloniously taking oysters with dredges; one for shooting with intent to maim &c.; one for keeping house of ill fame; two for assault and battery, one for grand larceny.
John L. Gardner was authorized to assign his barroom and retail liquor license to James L. Savage.
Following attachments were returned and put upon Berkeley Smith vs. David W. Watkinson; E. B. Swanger & Co. vs. Wm. H. Oliver.
Margaret S. Savage, assignee, vs. Wm. T. Crowson (on attachment for rent). Judgment for plaintiff and order of sale.
All the accounts presented to the court by the surveyors of the public road for their services, &c., in road and bridge matters were allowed except those reported in last issue of this paper.
John Brittingham was appointed commissioner to superintend the work in changing county road from New Church to Pitts wharf, of which James W. Short is contractor.
L. Floyd Nock and Benjamin G. Johnson, each qualified as notary public for county of Accomac.
John W. G. Blackstone qualified as administrator c.t.a. of Annie M. Smith, deceased, and also as guardian of Clarence P. and John W. Custis, infants of Robert P. Custis and Sarah S., his deceased wife.
Commonwealth vs. bateau, name unknown, said to belong to one Geo. Collins, (on an information). Jury empanelled, defendant found to be employed as charged in information and order entered condemning her as forfeited to the State and directing her to be sold by the sheriff.
Commonwealth vs. Benj. Young (on indictment for felony). A venire facias was awarded for the trial of said defendant, returnable on first day of next term.
N. W. Nock was appointed commissioner to receive proposals for building bridge over Assawoman mill branch and Wm. T. Parks was appointed commissioner for building road, petitioned for by J. W. Bowdoin and others.
Commonwealth vs. Morse, Martin and Corbin (on an indictment for occupying natural oyster beds). Nolle prosequi entered and defendants discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Franklin C. Lewis, (on an indictment for selling liquor without license). Defendant tried on 9th count of indictment, verdict of not guilty and defendant discharged.
Treagallas, Hertel & Co. vs. A. P. Kellam & Co., (on appeal from judgment of J. P.). Cause continued by consent of parties until 6th day of next term.
Inquest held by Levi R. Boggs, J.P., and acting coroner over John Young, colored, deceased, was returned and filed.
John Ayres, colored, recognized to answer indictment for unlawfully selling ardent spirits on the 4th of September 1892, at Mount Zion Church, appeared in accordance with conditions of his recognizance but no indictment being returned against him for the offense was discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Nelson, (on indictment for assault and battery and resisting a public officer). Defendant recognized to appear and answer indictment on 3d day of next term.
Commonwealth vs. Frank Hopkins (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendant recognized to appear and answer indictment on 3d day of next term.
Commonwealth vs. Louis Fedder (on indictment for permitting unlawful gaming at his house of entertainment and for opening his barroom on Sunday). Defendant recognized to appear and answer indictment on 4th day of next term.