August Term, 1898


Proceedings, August Term, 1898.

Authority to marry was granted to Rev. Thomas S. Dunaway Jr. of the Baptist Church, and to Rev. John F. Burks of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

Joseph R. Riggs qualified as administrator of George Rayfield.

Last will of George S. West proved and John E. West qualified as executor.

Last will of John Brittingham proved and L. Floyd Nock and Hiram Brittingham qualified as executors.

Last will of Margaret T. Joynes proved and Thomas J. Custis qualified as executor.

Last will of George K. Porter proved.

Retail liquor license granted to Major J. Parks, colored, at Onancock.

The clerk made report according to law of list of fines reported to him by Justices of Peace in the month of July 1898.

An inquest held by Joseph E. Brodwater, coroner, over dead body of Emma Downing, was returned and filed.

Sheriff made report according to law of number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences &c.

Jay Ayres and Custis Drummond were released from jail, having served out their terms and being unable to pay fines and costs for which they were detained.

Accounts in criminal and lunacy cases against the Commonwealth were allowed as follows: M. Oldham Jr., clerk, $2.50; Charles L. Harmanson, M.D., (2 accounts) $5.00; Jno. A. Mears, J.P., $3.00; A. L. Taylor, J.P., $3.00; E. T. Ross, constable, $2.20; Melson & Daugherty (2 accounts) $9.05; jailer, $70.50.

Order entered substituting and appointing Benjamin T. Eichelberger a commissioner in place of Francis T. Smith to build public roads at Machipungo new bridge.

Petition of W. F. Mears and others for public road from Nock's Branch to Melfa. Additional reports filed by viewers and order to summon proprietors and tenants of the lands to show cause against road, if any they can.

Wm. M. Ward vs. Moses Mills, and James H. Mason vs. Isaac Turlington, (on attachments for rents). Judgments for plaintiffs and orders for sale.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered recorded to wit: Audits of estates of Peter T. East, James H. Stephens, Joseph A. Baker, Aralanta Jones and Meshack Mears; list of debts against John E. Parker's estate; orphan accounts of Isabella, Harriet W. and Mary E. Wilkins, James Downing, Samuel J. Turner, Sudie E., Hall K. and R. T. J. Drummond, Emma Mabel Selby's legatees accounts and Emma Mabel Selby's orphan accounts; Edward J. Ames' trust accounts.

L. Floyd Nock qualified as guardian of William E. and Edward Melson, orphans of Edward Melson, deceased.

Ex parte: Petition of Sabra Conquest's admr. c.t.a. Order for payment of costs, taxes and balance of fund to Charles Wharton.

Petition of Wm. M. Needles and others for public road at Franklin City. Report of commissioner, Jno. S. Parsons, filed and confirmed; bid of Major W. Pilchard to build the road for $690.00 accepted; and said commissioner ordered to contract with and take bond from Pilchard for faithful performance of the work.

Petition of O. H. Taylor and others for public road near Jenkins Bridge. Report of viewers filed and order to summon proprietors and tenants of the lands to be taken to show cause against the road if any they can.

The Commonwealth vs. Ernest Snead (on indictment for murder). Copy of judgement of Circuit Court affirming judgment of county court received and entered.

Petition of Alex W. Lilliston and others for public road from Tasley to road to Daugherty. Supplemental report of viewers with survey of route filed, and order to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause on 2d day of September term against the road if any they can.

Grand jury list, prepared by judge, handed to clerk for ensuing year.

Order for distribution of Peter T. East's estate to his legatee without a refunding bond.

Petition of George S. Nock and others for a public road from Isaiah W. Bagwell's land to Onley. Order appointing Robert J. Parker, of Onancock, a commissioner to build the road.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 10, 1898