September Term, 1900


Proceedings, Septermber Term, 1900.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Elizabeth E. Bowdoin, James L. Beloat, John M. Rayfield, Adeline E. Watts; trust accounts of B. P. Penney and George F. Marsh and wife.

The sheriff made report to the court of the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences etc.

The last will of Margaret C. Read was proved and Nathaniel B. Wescott qualified as administrator c.t.a.

Albro J. Morse qualified as guardian of his infant child, Carrie S. Morse; and Sewall Groton guardian of his infant child, Sewall H. Groton.

The estate of John H. Bailey, deceased, was committed to Levin J. Gunter, sheriff, for administration.

Inquest over dead body of William B. Harmon, deceased, returned to court and ordered to be filed.

Application of George Wessels for retail liquor license at Whitesville at August term of court withdrawn and order entered for defendant contesting application "to recover against said applicant" his costs.

Littleton D. Wharton qualified as administrator of Frank Wharton, colored, deceased.

An authenticated copy of the last will of William T. Marriner, deceased, late of Maryland, was admitted to probate as a will of realty in this State.

Ex parte: Petition of O. H. Taylor and others for a public road. James H. Tindall, road machine manager, ordered to proceed to complete road applied for in said petition, but not to exceed the amounts appropriated for the purpose.

Commonwealth vs. Jerry Burton, on indictment for felony. Continued on ground of the absence of material witnesses until second day of next term.

The estate of Mrs. Mary F. Abdell was committed to Levin J. Gunter, sheriff, for administration.

A special grand jury was empanelled and returned as "true bills": One for "a nuisance"; two for "assault and battery"; and one for "feloniously shooting with intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill." Those for assault and battery certified to George F. Parker, J.P., to be tried according to law.

Upon petition of Thomas R. Mears and others for a public road. Commissioner appointed to open road made his report and the same was confirmed.

Commonwealth vs. John W. Cutler, on indictment for felony. Defendant tried, found not guilty and discharged.

An account of Levin J. Gunter, sheriff, against Commonwealth amounting to $53.05 for board of prisoners confined in jail was examined, allowed and ordered to be certified to auditor of public accounts.

An account of Levin J. Gunter against the Commonwealth for $41 for board of Isaac Davis and James F. Williams, lunatics confined in jail, was examined, allowed and ordered to be certified to auditor of public accounts.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 6, 1900