April Term, 1901


Proceedings, April Term, 1901.

The last will and testament of Esther A. Evans, deceased, was proved and ordered to be recorded.

Letters of administration d. b. n. was granted to S. James Turlington on the estate of Susan A. Martin, deceased.

An inquest held by George E. Winder, J.P., acting coroner, over the dead body of Tank Garrison was returned to court and ordered to be filed.

The clerk made report to the court list of fines reported by Justices of Peace during month of March, which were examined by the court and ordered to be filed.

Letters of administration with will annexed were granted to William Walsh upon the estate of George T. Brodwater, deceased.

The sheriff made report to the court the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences &c.

Ex parte: Petition of William H. Hitchens and others for a public road. Petition filed and viewers appointed.

James K. Harmon qualified as inspector of oysters, for districts Nos. 2 and 3 of Accomac for unexpired term of Lee B. Kellam, resigned.

Ex parte: George R. Justice and others for a public bridge. Report of viewers filed and order entered summoning proprietors and tenants to appear on first day of next term to show cause, if any they can, why said bridge should not be built and road straightened as proposed in said report.

Licenses to keep an Ordinary were granted to George T. Mapp, Keller; Edward G. Fox, Onley; Lucius J. Kellam, agent, Belle Haven; Oswald D. Doughty, Wachapreague; William C. West, Onancock; John W. Dickerson, Bloxom; Burkley W. James, Tasley; Joseph J. Wescott, Onley; George Lloyd Doughty, Drummondtown.

Retail liquor license, were granted Harvey Marston, Keller; Robert L. Parkes, Centerville; John L. Gardner, Bull Branch; William Walsh, Mappsville; Artemus E. Poulson, Messongo Bridge; Berkley L. West, Craddockville; James Lee Justice, Parksley; Robert P. Custis, Onancock; James T. Harrison, Point of Forks; William T. Winder, Onancock; George G. Ailworth, Drummondtown; William T. Gibbons, Parksville; Thomas L. Stevens, Fair Oaks; William B. Daugherty, Daugherty; John D. Johnson, Parksley; Henry D. Adams, Gargatha; George E. Winder, Pungoteague; John T. Bonnewell, Mappsburg; James H. Harmon, Belle Haven; Fred R. Martin, Shilo Valley; Benjamin F. Wharton, Drummondtown; Geo. W. Hack, Craddockville; Wm. Henry Gaskins, Pungoteague; Burton, Parker & Co., Onancock.

Upon petition of Frank L. Hall and others for a public road. Ordered that road be established in accordance with viewers' report and that cost of opening said road be certified to Board of Supervisors.

Authority was granted to Rev. Robert K. Lewis, of Methodist Protestant Church, to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

Letters of administration were granted to James H. Fletcher Jr. upon the estate of Alfred W. Finney, deceased.

Letters of administration were granted to L. Floyd Nock on the estate of William Franklin Evans, deceased.

An authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Samuel K. Dennis, deceased, late of Worcester, Co. Md., was admitted to probate as a will of realty in this State.

Commonwealth vs. Charles B. Emory (on appeal from a judgment of Justice of Peace). Defendant tried and found not guilty.

John S. Parsons was appointed and qualified as guardian of Helen Rowles, infant child of James C. Rowles.

Patrick H. Conorton qualified as Notary Public for the county of Accomac.

Upon petition of John T. B. Hyslop and others for a public road. Report of viewers filed and order entered to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause, if any they can, why said road should not be opened as proposed.

Upon petition of F. C. Taylor and others for a public road. Petition filed and viewers appointed.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 18, 1901