Peninsula Enterprise, October 9, 1897


Proceedings, September Term, 1897.

Jos. S. Bull qualified as administrator of Geo. E. Hoag, deceased.

The estates of Arthur Broughton, Littleton Townsend and Cora J. Hinman were committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Audits of estates of Malinda W. Smith, Louis S. Roberts, Robert Custis, colored, Henry R. Bull and David B. Northam; orphan accounts of Annie L. Lorenzo D., Sarah W. and Hester J. Hinman, L. Woodson Kilmon, Thos. H. and Manly W. Window, Bessie C., Maggie S. and Francis J. Kellam, Chas. H. Lewis, Marion Hall, Henry Taylor, colored, and John R. Rogers; legatee account of Manie Twyford.

Accounts against Commonwealth in lunacy and criminal cases were allowed as follows: For T. W. Blackstone, J.P., $1; Thos. G. Clayton, J.P., $1 and $1.50; A. S. Taylor, J.P., $2 and $6; E. T. Ross, constable, $6.60; T. G. Kellam, constable, $7.30.

John D. Parsons qualified as notary public for county of Accomac.

Trifanny Only vs. Jno. W. Holland (on attachment for rent). Attachment returned levied and cause continued until first day of next term.

John T. Powell's admr., and E. t. Powell, surviving partner, vs. Solomon Baily (on attachment). Report of constable filed and confirmed and cause removed from the docket.

Ex parte: Petition of Southey S. Parramore's executrix. Petition filed and order allowing executrix to sell and transfer Baltimore city stock belonging to estate of decedent.

Petition of E. T. Somers and others for a public road. Order appointing John Somers Sr. commissioner to open and establish the road.

Order entered for Asa J. Taylor, surveyor of road, to repair Bullbeggar bridge.

Petition filed by Thomas Shreaves and wife for an outlet and viewers appointed.

Order entered approving road applied for by Wm. H. Matthews and others, directing proprietors of land summoned to show cause against and referring cause to Board of Supervisors.

Ex parte: Petition of Wm. L. Marshall, admr. Report of administrator filed and order confirming same.

Petition filed by the "Onawa Social Union" for an outlet from their fair grounds and viewers appointed.

Order entered confirming report of Jas. A. Winder, road machine manager, of the repairs made by him of Machipungo bridge.

Webb & Suttle vs. Geo. T. Broughton, and same vs. Joseph Slocomb. Judgments for the plaintiffs.

Webb & Suttle vs. Parker Handy. Jury summoned and dismissed and new trial ordered for 2d day of next term.

Frank McKay vs. C. S. Witham (on appeal). Judgment for Witham.

Frank McKay vs. M. E. Witham (on appeal). Verdict and judgment for McKay.

Frank McKay vs. C. S. and M. E. Witham (on a warrant removed by J.P.). Verdict and judgment for McKay.

Ex parte: Petition of Annie M. Smith's admr. c.t.a. Order removing cause to circuit court.

Petition of Frank Fletcher and others for a public road. Order approving road in accordance with report of majority of viewers and referring same to B of S.

Ex parte: Petition of Alice L. and Evelyn W. Mister's guardian. Petition filed and order for payment of annual income of wards for board &c.

Ex parte: Petition of Malinda W. Smith's executor. Petition filed and order for executor to loan out certain distributive shares belonging to infants or to deposit same in Marine Bank.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 9, 1897