Peninsula Enterprise, September 6, 1890
Proceedings, August Term, 1890.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Fanny Northam, Eba Lewis, Sally J. Russell, George T. Mapp, and Heyward B. Keaton; trust accounts of Thorogood M. Taylor and Edward Brinney; orphan accounts of Robert J., Orin F., and Catharine C. Taylor, Wm. H., Annie H., and Lottie F. Harman.
John Neely was appointed and qualified as guardian of Wm. J. and Clarence E. Burch, orphans of Wm. P. Burch, deceased.
Solomon T. Johnson, qualified as administrator of George R. Hickman, deceased; Frank Fletcher as administrator of George W. Hinman, deceased; Patrick W. Killman and Leonard C. Mears, as administrators of John H. Kilmon, deceased; Edwin T. Powell and L. Floyd Nock, as administrators of George H. Garrison, deceased.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows; Alexander M. Lewis, $10; Thomas McCready, $13; Wm. T. Mears, $3; J. H. Grinnalds, $5; Wesley T. Melson, $4; Joseph Mears, $2; Early Grinnalds, $2; Jos. A. Richardson, $2; Robert Mason, $1.25; John Baker, $1; Samuel Baker, $1; John D. Parsons (2 accounts) $30 and $10.25; Wm. T. Broughton, $6.75; Wm. Russell, $35.37.
Isaiah Moore appointed surveyor of roads in place of Joseph Moore, resigned, and Wm. Nelson of Wm. S., in place of W. T. Mears, resigned.
Exparte petition of Arthur J. Milington and wife's trustee, (R. T. Gunter). Order confirming report of commissioner, directing payment of costs and attorney's fee and distribution of amount in hands of trustee.
N.Y., P. & N.R. R. Co., appellant, vs. James Parks appellee (on appeal). Dismissed on motion of appellee.
John Teagle, plaintiff, vs. Wm. Beasley defendant, (on a distress warrant). Papers returned to court by constable and case docketed for trial.
Esther A. Evans, plaintiff, vs. Alexander Kesson, defendant, (attachment for rent). Judgment for plaintiff and order for sale of attached effects.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Booth (on indictment). Continued on defendant's motion and because of his sickness until first day of next term.
Commonwealth vs. Augustus Parker (on indictment for a unlawful gaming). Defendant plead guilty and paid his fine and costs into court.
Order entered committing the estate of Caroline Elliot to John H. Wise, sheriff for administration.
Commonwealth vs. Bennett Parks (on indictment for unlawfully obstructing a ditch cut to drain county road). Defendant tried, found guilty, fined $5 and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Upshur Roberts (on indictment for attempt to commit rape). Defendant tried, found guilty and sentenced to a term of 5 years in penitentiary.
Frank Dekay, appellant, vs. Zadoc Mears, appellee. Continued on appellant's motion and at his costs until second day of next term.
New list of persons to serve as grand jurors for the ensuing year was handed to the clerk by judge of the court.
Bar room and retail liquor license granted Samuel C. Mason at his house in Masonville.
James G. Nock was appointed to examine and report on the condition of the county surveyor's record in place of L. C. H. Finney, deceased.
Last will of Catharine F. Gibb, deceased, was proved, and Upshur B. Quinby, qualified as executor thereof.