Peninsula Enterprise, May 15, 1886


April Term, 1886.

Geo T. Gladding, constable, paid into court $15, being the fines of $5, each collected from Winfield S. Silverthorn, Arastus C. Smith and Thomas Marshall of Wm., convicted of catching oysters unlawfully.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed; audits of the estate of James Witham, Major Mason, Sr., Margaret A. W. Tunnell and Zorobabel C. Mason; trust account of W. P. M. Kellam; orphan accounts of Adelbert W., Ella E., Harry Thompson, Mary Eliza and Wm. Bagwell Mears, Kate M. Giltz nee Dunton and William L. James, and account of committee of Robert Mears, lunatic.

The last will and testament of Ira B. Allen was proved and ordered to be recorded.

Raymond R. Hutchinson, inspector of oysters for the 9th district made report of the fees, fines and taxes collected by him for quarter ending, February 28th and it was ordered that $436.16 the amount due by him be certified to the Auditor of Public Accounts.

Letters of administration were granted as follows: Johannes L. Byrd on estate of Sylvester J. Marshall, deceased, Patrick H. Connorton on estate of Emaline Crockett, deceased.

Thomas Killmon was appointed and qualified as guardian of Hanson P., Ella and Asbury Barnes, children of Geo. W. Barnes.

Andrew D. Davis having given bond according to law, authority was granted him to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

The last will and testament of Solomon Copes was partly proved.

The last will and testament of John A. White was proved and Isaac T. Wright and Geo. W. Killmon qualified as administrators with will annexed.

Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal matters were certified as follows: Francis M. Sturgis, J.P., $3, Geo. T. Scarburgh, M.D., $5.25, Jos. W. Mears, J.P., $3.50. John H. Wise, sheriff and jailer, two accounts, $177 and $1.85.

In matters of petition of Bennett Fentress, surveyor of road, to ditch a part of road, of which he is overseer, commissioner appointed to view and report to court the cost and necessity of same.

In matter of petition of Wm. H. Marshall, surveyor of road, to have bridge repaired. Surveyor ordered to purchase timber at $2 per hundred feet and nails and build bridges.

Upon petition of Fletcher Drummond and others for public road. Exceptions filed by the Parksley Land Improvement Company. Competing petition filed by Geo. P. Parks et als. Order entered, recommitting report of viewers.

Upon petition of Major E. Selby and others for public road. Report of viewers filed and order to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause against opening of the road.

James L. Beloate, was appointed surveyor of road precinct No. 16 of Lee district, in place of John W. Rogers, resigned.

In matter of petition of Edward T. Groten, surveyor of road to build bridge over stream, where there was formerly a mill and bridge kept up by Seaford Hall, owner. Commissioner reported adversely, the Judge sustained the report and dismissed petition.

Upon application of David D. Abbott surveyor of roads to widen road at Mappsville, leading to Seaside. Rule awarded against viewers, to show cause why they should not be fined for failure to make report.

Commonwealth vs. Isaac Ulman (on an indictment for selling goods without a license). Alias summons to answer, awarded.

The estate of Otho Hargis (colored) lunatic, committed to hands of sheriff, as committee.

Upon petition of E. W. Barnes and others for a public road and landing. Order entered substituting Thorogood Mason as viewer in place of John O. Selby, who is sick and unable to act.

Upon petition of E. E. Corbett and others for a public road and footway on Tangier Island. Order entered directing the viewers to make additional report.

F. T. Stockley & Co., vs. Fowler & Coleburn. Order entered confirming constable's report and removing case from docket.

Ex-parte, Hannibal Fletcher's committee. Order entered confirming report of committee and removing cause from docket.

Upon petition of John Summers and others for extending from Capt. Wm. Summer's landing to the lands of the heirs of John Summers deceased, the public road. Order entered appointing viewers.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 15, 1886