Peninsula Enterprise, June 11, 1892
Proceedings, May Term, 1892.
Authority to celebrate rites of matrimony was granted to Addison S. Beane of M.P. Church, and to Jacob W. Cooke of M.E. Church
D. Frank White was appointed and qualified as committee of Archibald Annis, adjudged a lunatic.
Capt. John W. Bunting was granted usual certificate to catch fish, to be manufactured into oil or manure, and also usual certificate to manufacture oil or manure from fish.
Inquest over Robert Buchanan, deceased, was returned and filed. Audits of estates of Geo. H. Garrison and John Wise, (colored), and the orphan account of Maggie N. Groton were confirmed.
Late inspectors of oysters made report of collections from 29th of February to 30th of April, 1892, as follows; Wm. J. Barnes, late inspector of 5th district, $48, due State $13.20; J. G. Justice, of 6th district, $67.75, due State $60.98; Charles P. Finney, of 8th district, $10.75, due State $9.68; and for 9th district, $1, due State 90 cents.
Last will of Thos. G. Pitts was proved and Thos. C. Pitts qualified as executor thereof.
S. R. Nelson, J.P., paid into court following fines: $10 received of Andrew Gunter and $10 received of John Allen, convicted of unlawful trespass; $2.50 received of Ben Tyler and $2.50 received of Henry Tyler for disturbing public peace.
J. C. Justice resigned as inspector of oysters for district No. 6.
Wm. J. Barnes resigned as deputy for Joseph L. Cooper, inspector of oysters for district No. 4 and was appointed and qualified as inspector of oysters for district No. 6, in place of J. C. Justice resigned.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: Wm. T. Massey, $2; Harmanson Byrd, $3; N. A. Smith, $20; Marcellus Small, $21; Wm. T. Broughton, $3; D. F. White & Bro., $7.88; Wm. J. Barnes, 26 cents; Dr. Joseph E. Brodwater, Dr. Frank Fletcher, Solomon T. Johnson, $8 each; Wm. T. Mason, Francis S. Smith, L. J. Hyslop, $15 each.
License to keep an ordinary was granted to Wm. E. Lewis at Onley station, and to Wesley A. Bloxom at Locustville; bar room license was granted to Smith T. Martin at Trower's P O., John L. Gardner at Bull Branch, and Louis Fedder at Dunkirk; retail liquor license was granted to John L. Gardner at Bull Branch, and Louis Fedder, at Dunkirk.
Commonwealth vs. Jefferson D. Mister (on indictment for assaulting and beating Wm. L. James). Defendant tried, found guilty and fined $5 and cost of prosecution, which he paid into court and was discharged.
James G. Nock made report of examination of books of county surveyor as required by prior order of court and was allowed $5 for his services.
Commonwealth vs. Alsavada T. Chase, James Chesser, Samuel Davis and Thomas W. Chase -- and same vs. Leonard W. Chase and Wm. R. Sterling (on indictment for felonious dredging). Jury empanelled in each case, and failing to agree, were discharged.
James H. Fletcher, Jr., was appointed trustee in place of Wm. J. Barnes, resigned, in deed executed by Wm. H. and Sallie F. Bundick, for benefit of Edward J. Russell.
Last will of Josephine Whealton, who at time of her death was Josephine Risley, was proved and ordered recorded.
Order entered appointed Jno. Riley Marshall, a special police to aid J. E. Anderton, inspector of oysters for district No. 5.
Upon petition of Parksley Land and Improvement Company to change public road at Parksley. Report of viewers filed, confirmed and authority granted petitioners to change road as reported by viewers at its own cost.
Wm. Fox vs. Louis D. and Alonzo W. Heath's guardian (Geo. G. Fox), on motion for relief as surety. Order entered requiring defendant to execute new bond on or before first day of next term.
L. F. Marshall, agent for Franklin Davis Co. vs. Bethany Floyd (on appeals from judgment of Justice of Peace. Judgment of Justice reversed and judgment for appellant.
The N.Y.P. & N.R.R. Co. vs. Geo. W. Belote, and same vs. T. J. Savage (on appeals from judgments of J.P.) Warrants dismissed because no return on same showing that they were served on Railroad Co., and judgment against Belote and Savage for railroad's cost.
Missouri E. Selby vs. James T. Thornton and wife, (upon complaint of unlawful detainer). Jury empannelled and failed to agree.
Upon petition of Dr. J. E. Mapp and others, for a public road. Report of viewers filed, approved and referred to Board of Supervisors.
The freeholders appointed to lay off, alter and rearrange the road precincts of road districts of Atlantic, Metompkin and Pungoteague made report of their action respectively.
L. Floyd Nock qualified as administrator of James S. Jones, deceased.
Benjamin T. Parker, plaintiff, vs. Wm. L. Smith, defendant, (a motion to revoke the bar-room license granted to the defendant at April term 1892). Order entered sustaining the motion, revoking the license and for recovery by plaintiff of his costs incurred.