CHAP. 611.--An ACT to amend and re-enact section 2038 of the code, defining a lawful fence for the county of Accomac.
Approved March 1, 1898.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section two thousand and thirty-eight of the code be amended and re-enacted as follows:
§2038. Definition of a lawful fence.--Every fence five feet high, which, if the fence be on a mound, shall include the mound to the bottom of the ditch, shah be deemed a lawful fence as to any stock named in section two thousand and forty-two which could not creep the same: provided, however, that a barbed-wire fence forty-two inches high, consisting of eight strands of barbed wire, firmly fixed to posts well and substantially set in the ground at intervals of sixteen feet, with a substantial stay or brace halfway between such posts, to which said wires shall be also fixed, and said wires shall be spaced as follows: the first wire shall be placed two and one-half inches above the ground, the second five and one-half inches, the third nine inches, the fourth thirteen and one-half inches, the fifth nineteen inches, the sixth twenty-six and one-half inches, the seventh thirty-four and one-half inches and the eighth forty-two inches; or a board fence four feet high, consisting of five boards not less than five inches wide and firmly attached to posts placed at intervals of eight feet shall be deemed a lawful fence as to such stock.
2. And any wire fence of any kind whatsoever, except as above described, shall be forty-four inches high and of such construction that stock named in section two thousand and forty-two code of Virginia, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven cannot creep through the same.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage.