CHAP. 635.--An ACT authorizing board of supervisors of Accomac county to levy a tax on real and personal property in Island district, for the erection of a lock-up on Chincoteague island, Accomac County.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the board of supervisors of Accomac county be authorized to levy a tax, not to exceed the sum of ten cents on every one hundred dollars of the property -- real, personal, and mixed -- in Island district, in the said county, assessed for taxation for state purposes, and out of the proceeds so to be derived from such levy to erect on Chincoteague Island, in said county, a house in which to lock up persons under lawful arrest until they can be removed to the county jail of said county. The said house shall be built in such manner as the said board of supervisors shall direct.
2. After said house has been built any sheriff, constable, or other officer having under arrest, upon Chincoteague island, any prisoner, may confine such prisoner or prisoners in the said house until such prisoner or prisoners can be removed to the county jail of said county.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage.