CHAP. 35.--An ACT to allow William H. Ellis to erect a wharf at Franklin City, Accomac county.
Approved January 16, 1886.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That William H. Ellis, of the county of Accomac, be and he hereby is authorized to erect a wharf at Franklin City, in said county, on Chincoteague bay, for the purpose of shipping oysters to and from the same for himself and others; starting at a point eighty feet southeast of the Delaware, Maryland and Virginia railroad company's barrel-house, extending about southwest into Chincoteague bay four hundred feet between parallel lines, by fifty feet; and the said William H. Ellis, his
heirs and assigns, shall have the right to charge such compensation for the use of said wharf as may have been agreed upon by and between the parties, or as is usual: provided that the said wharf shall not interfere with navigation: and provided, also, that this act shall at all times be under the control of the general assembly, and be amended or repealed, as may be deemed proper. Object Location
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.