CHAP. 118.--An ACT to amend the charter of the town of Eastville, Northampton county, Virginia, approved on the 6th day of February, 1896
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section three (3) of an act to provide a charter incorporating the town of Eastville, Northampton county, Virginia, approved February sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, be amended and re-enacted to read as follows:
2. The government of said town shall be vested in a mayor and six councilmen. The first election under this charter for mayor and councilmen shall be held on the second Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and thereafter they shall be elected bi-annually on the second Tuesday in June, and shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the first day of September following. Any person entitled to vote in the county of Northampton and who has resided within said town for three months previous to any election, shall be entitled to vote at all elections under this act of incorporation. The mayor shall appoint two electors of said town who with the town clerk shall hold said election between the hours of one, post meridian, and sunset; and they shall decide any contest with reference to the right of any person to vote, and shall count the ballots and certify to the council the names of the persons elected mayor and councilmen. In case of a tie vote the clerk shall decide in the presence of the two electors aforesaid, by lot; said clerk shall immediately thereafter make out and deliver to the mayor and each councilman, a certificate of his election. All officers of the said town shall take the oath of office before the town clerk or some other officer authorized to administer oaths. Should any of the officers hereby appointed, or who may hereafter be elected or appointed, refuse or fail to accept and qualify within thirty days after such appointment or election, then it shall be the duty of the mayor or a majority of such town council as may accept and qualify, in the absence of such mayor, to fill such vacancy by appointment.
The council shall appoint the time when it shall meet.
The council of said town shall, at their first regular meeting after this act shall go into effect, elect from the duly qualified citizens of said town one additional member in compliance with the terms of this act, who shall fill said office of councilman for the remainder of the term for which the present council has been elected.
All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.