CHAP. 16.--An ACT to repeal an act approved April 2, 1902, entitled an act to authorize the Board of Fisheries to declare certain land within the limits of the Baylor survey, on the eastern or ocean side of Accomac county, to be barren area and open fo...

Approved July 28, 1902.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That an act approved April second, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "an act to authorize the Board of Fisheries to declare certain land within the limits of the Baylor survey, on the eastern or ocean side of Accomac county, to be barren area and open for planting oysters thereon, and to authorize the assignment of the same for planting purposes," be, and the same is hereby, repealed.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 16.--An ACT to repeal an act approved April 2, 1902, entitled an act to authorize the Board of Fisheries to declare certain land within the limits of the Baylor survey, on the eastern or ocean side of Accomac county, to be barren area and open for planting oysters thereon, and to authorize the assignment of the same for planting purposes.
Acts and Joint Resolutions Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia During the Session of 1902-1903 (Extra Session)
Richmond, Virginia
July 28, 1902
1 page, p. 16