CHAP. 19.--An ACT to authorize the Northampton county court to pay to George T. Turner and others, trustees of Trinity church, the damages assessed them, on the petition of the New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk railroad company to acquire the real es...
Approved January 18, 1888.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That George T. Turner, James K. Savage, James W. Mears, Aris C. Brown, John Eichelburger, Zorobabel Willis, and William G. Costin, trustees of Trinity church
of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, situated near Hadlock, Northampton county, Virginia, be authorized and empowered to receive the damages assessed as due them on the petition of the New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk railroad company against them, it being damages for the taking of the land of said church, the title of which was in said trustees for the use of said railroad company, which damages, amounting to three hundred dollars, are now under the control of the Northampton county court, which court refuses to pay over said damages to said trustees on the ground of lack of authority, and have placed said funds in bank, and said court is authorized to pay over said damages to said trustees. Empowered to receive damages
2. This act shall be in force from its passage. Court authorized to pay the damages Commencem't