CHAP. 256.--An ACT to amend and re-enact section 6 of an act entitled an act to provide a charter incorporating the town of Eastville, in Northampton county, approved February 6, 1896, as heretofore amended.

Approved March 15, 1922.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section six of an act entitled an act to provide a charter incorporating the town of Eastville, in Northampton county, approved February sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, as heretofore amended, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

6. For the purposes of this incorporation the council of said town may levy annually such taxes, not in conflict with general laws, as they may deem proper on all property, real and personal, within the said town, not exceeding seventy-five cents on the one hundred dollars assessed value as per State assessment; to impose a specific license on all shows, performances and exhibitions that may be given, all persons, firms or corporations who may engage in the sale of wines, ardent spirits, malt liquors, alcoholic bitters and mixtures thereof, either by wholesale, retail, or to be drunk where sold. The said council shall have the power to impose a license tax on all business on which the State imposes license, excepting, however, such business as cities and towns are forbidden by general laws to impose license taxes upon, or which is provided for by law, and its officers shall have such power to collect such taxes as the State officers have in like cases; and the said council shall have the power to impose a specific tax for the sale of merchandise or any article that may be offered for sale by any person not living in said town, and also to levy a capitation tax not exceeding fifty cents on each adult person resident of said town.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 256.--An ACT to amend and re-enact section 6 of an act entitled an act to provide a charter incorporating the town of Eastville, in Northampton county, approved February 6, 1896, as heretofore amended.
Acts and Joint Resolutions (Amending the Constitution) of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Session Which Commenced at the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 11, 1922
Richmond, Virginia
March 15, 1922
1 page, p. 434