CHAP. 831.--An ACT to provide for clamming grounds in the waters of this state.

Approved March 8,1894.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That any ground, not natural oyster rocks, beds or shoals, and not assigned to any one for planting purposes, may be, on the application of twenty or more citizens, laid off and designated as clamming grounds: provided, in the opinion of the inspector, the clams are of sufficient quantity that a person can realize at least seventy-five cents per day catching and taking clams from said ground; and, if laid off, the inspector shall designate accurately the metes and bounds of said ground by proper and suitable stakes, and said ground shall be set at as clamming ground, and not to be assigned to any one. This ground, when assigned, shall be used only by residents of Virginia, and any other person but residents of this state working thereon shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one hundred dollars.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 831.--An ACT to provide for clamming grounds in the waters of this state.
Acts and Joint Resolutions Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia During the Session of 1993-1894
Richmond, Virginia
March 8, 1894
1 page, p. 958