CHAP. 407.--An ACT to incorporate the Mutual Live Stock association of Accomac parish.
Approved March 5, 1888.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That William H. Green, N. W. Nock, W. H. Bull, Perry Bloxom, David L. Bloxom, James Duncan, W. A. Street, John D. Wimbrough, John R. Rayfield, William T. Baker, R. E. Lewis, D. D. Abbott, A. C. Hart, Oliver Baker, William J. Wessels, D. H. Dennis, S. W. Matthews, Sewall Bloxom, Major Bloxom, S. A. Byrd, John N. Watson, O. F. Mason, George W. Bemling, Albert Gillispie, Levin T. Philips, F. G. Tull, Salalthiel Marshall, James W. Nock, Henry T. Mason, Samual Taylor, S. W. Nock, S. C. Taylor, George P. S. Hope, and L. H,Chesser, and all those who may be hereafter associated with them in the manner hereinafter provided, and their successors, be and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Mutual Live Stock Insurance association of Accomac parish, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, within all the courts of law and equity in this commonwealth or elsewhere, and bave perpetual succession; to have, make, and use a common seal; to alter or renew the same at pleasure; to acquire, hold, and convey property both real and personal; to ordain and publish such by-laws, ordinances, and regulations as they think proper and wise, and generally to do every act and thing necessary to carry into effect this act, or to promote the objects and designs of this corporation: provided, that such by-laws, ordinances, regulations, or acts, be not inconsistent with the laws of this state or of the United States. Corporators Name and style To acquire, hold, and convey property
2. The object of this association is to assist any member by pecuniary contributions that may loose any live stock upon which is held a certificate of insurance of this association. Object of association
3. That A. C. Hart, Perry Bloxom, Oliver Baker, William H. Street, William H. Bull, John N. Watson, John D. Wimbrough, and N. W. Nock, shall be the directors of said association until otherwise appointed by the stockholders; tbat William A. Street shall be president; A. C. Hart, vice-president; N. W. Nock, secretary; William H. Bull, treasurer; and John N. Watson, William J. Wessels, and William H. Bull, the board of appraisers. All of said officers shall continue in office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. In case of a vacancy in office of president, vice-president, secretary, appraiser, or director, from any cause, the remaining directors may elect others to fill their places until a meeting of the stockholders shall be held. Five of said directors shall constitute a quorum for any and all business purposes of said company. Directors Officers Vacancies Quorum
4. There shall be an annual meeting of the association for the elections of officers and directors, at such time and place as the stockholders, in general meeting, may appoint. The president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer shall be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer of the board of directors, and at the annual meeting of said association for the election of officers, a majority of the members thereof, in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for such meeting. In all meetings of said association, each member shall be entitled to one vote for the first fifty dollars, or fractional part thereof, of the amount in which the property of such member is insured, and one vote for every additional fifty dollars of such amount: provided, that no member shall be allowed a vote for any fractional part above the first fifty dollars. Annual meeting
5. All persons subscribing to this charter of incorporation, and pledging themselves to be governed by all by-laws, regulations, or requirements adopted by said association in persuance thereof, their executors, administrators, and assigna, andvendees continuing to be insured therewith, shall thereby become members of said association during the time they shall remain insured therein, or until they shall withdraw from the association in accordance with its prescribed regulations.
6. The members of the association shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or responsibility, other than that each member shall be bound to contribute to the necessary expenses of the association in proportion to the amount for which his property is insured, and shall be bound to pay in the same proportion to the proper officer of the association, the losses sustained by any fellow member of the association from natural or accidental death of any insured animal. And if any member shall fail to pay the came when requested, in accordance with the by-laws, regulations, and requirements of the association, the amount may be recovered by motion, after twenty days' notice in writing, in any court of record. Liability of stockholders
7. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't