CHAP. 40.--An ACT to repeal an act of assembly of 1915, approved February 5, 1915, entitled an act to provide a road commission for Capeville magisterial district in Northampton county, to authorize the board of supervisors of Northampton county to bor...

Approved February 17, 1916.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That an act of the general assembly of Virginia of nineteen hundred and fifteen, approved February fifth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, entitled an act to provide a road commission for Capeville magisterial district in Northampton county, to authorize the board of supervisors of Northampton county to borrow money for road purposes in Capeville district and to repeal previous acts, be, and the same hereby is repealed.

2. An emergency arising by reason of the importance of the immediate execution of the provisions of this act, the same shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 40.--An ACT to repeal an act of assembly of 1915, approved February 5, 1915, entitled an act to provide a road commission for Capeville magisterial district in Northampton county, to authorize the board of supervisors of Northampton county to borrow money for road purposes in Capeville district and to repeal previous acts.
Acts and Joint Resolutions (Amending the Constitution) of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Session Which Commenced at the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 12, 1916
Richmond, Virginia
February 17, 1916
1 page, p. 46