CHAP. 117.--An ACT to amend and re-enact an act entitled "An act to permit Harwood Bristow of the county of Accomac, to build a bridge across Warrington branch of Onancock creek in said county," approved March 20, 1922.
Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That an act entitled "An act to permit Harwood Bristow, of the county of Accomac, to build a bridge across Warrington Branch of Onancock Creek in said county," approved March twentieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
Section 1. Harwood Bristow, or his successor in title, is hereby permitted and authorized to build a bridge across the Warrington branch of Onancock creek in Accomac county, from any point on the north shore of said creek, on the farm now owned by him, formerly belonging to I. W. Bagwell, to any point on the south shore of said creek, on the farm now owned by him, formerly belonging to Robert L. Hopkins and William S. Nelson, senior; provided, however, that an opening shall be provided under said bridge of a sufficient height and width to permit the passage thereunder of motor boats and scows at full tide.
Section 2. The said Harwood Bristow, desiring to commence the building and erection of said bridge at once, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this act shall be in force from its passage.