CHAP. 451.--An ACT to relieve the clerks of the courts of Accomac and Northampton counties from liability for certain money collected for hunting licenses and paid by them to the Eastern Shore Game Protection Association; to require an accounting of th...
Whereas, the attorney general of Virginia rendered an opinion dated January twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty, to the effect that the law under which the money collected for hunting licenses by the clerks of the circuit courts of Accomac and Northampton counties, and paid by said clerks to the Eastern Shore Game Protection Association
, was repealed by an act approved March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, amending section thirty-three hundred and thirty-three of the Code of Virginia, which act became a law on June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, and,
Whereas, a portion of the money so collected and turned over to the Eastern Shore Game Protection Association, has been expended by the said association, therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the clerks of the circuit courts of Accomac and Northampton counties are hereby relieved of all liability for public funds so collected and paid over to the Eastern Shore Game Protection Association up to the first day of March, nineteen hundred and thirty, and the said clerks shall remit all moneys collected after March first, nineteen hundred and thirty, to the State treasurer for credit to the game protection fund in accordance with existing law.
2. The Eastern Shore Game Protection Association is hereby relieved from liability for such of the public funds as have been expended by it for the payment of administrative expenses, the salaries and expenses of game wardens and the purchase and repair of equipment. The remainder of the public fund not so expended shall be by it paid to the State treasurer of Virginia, accompanied by an itemized and detailed statement in duplicate of all public moneys received and expended from June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six to March first, nineteen hundred and thirty; the date of such payments, to whom paid and for what purpose. The State treasurer of Virginia shall turn over one copy of said statement to the commission of game and inland fisheries and the other copy to the State comptroller.
3. All equipment purchased and repaired from such public funds shall be turned over to the commission of game and inland fisheries by the Eastern Shore Game Protection Association.
4. An emergency existing this act shall be effective from its passage.