CHAP. 28.--An ACT to amend and re-enact section 8 of an act entitled an act to provide a new charter for the town of Parksley, in the county of Accomac, and to repeal an act entitled an act to incorporate and provide a charter for the town of Parksley,...

Approved February 18, 1924.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section eight of an act entitled an act to provide a new charter for the town of Parksley, in the county of Accomac, and to repeal an act entitled an act to incorporate and provide a charter for the town of Parksley, Virginia, approved March twelfth, nineteen hundred and four, approved March twentieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, be amended and re-enacted to read as follows:

Section 8. The said council shall also have power to impose a specific license tax on all shows, performances and exhibitions which may be given in said town. It shall also have power to impose a specific license tax on all business for which a State license tax is required, provided the same shall not exceed that now imposed by law payable into the State treasury, and to levy annually such taxes as may be deemed necessary on all real and personal property within said town for the purposes of said corporation, provided that said levy shall not exceed seventy-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property as per State assessment, provided that nothing in this section or elsewhere in this act, shall be construed as authorizing the imposition of taxes or license fees in any case where the imposition of said taxes or license fees by cities and towns is prohibited by general law.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 28.--An ACT to amend and re-enact section 8 of an act entitled an act to provide a new charter for the town of Parksley, in the county of Accomac, and to repeal an act entitled an act to incorporate and provide a charter for the town of Parksley, Virginia, approved March 12, 1904, approved March 20, 1916.
Acts and Joint Resolutions (Amending the Constitution) of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Session Which Commenced at the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 9, 1924
Richmond, Virginia
February 18, 1924
1 page, p. 33