CHAP. 323.--An ACT to allow George W. Bishop and Jno. W. Smith to erect a wharf at Franklin City
Approved March 1, 1886.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That George W. Bishop and John W Smith, of Worcester county, Maryland, be and they are hereby authorized and permitted to erect a wharf at Franklin City, Accomack county, Virginia, commencing on a line between their premises and those of Enoch Conger, at the northeast corner of the storehouse of the said George W. Bishop and John W. Smith, and running out with the line of the said Conger's property, a distance of one hundred and fifty-five feet, to the wharf front of the wharf now owned by said Conger; thence in about a southerly direction, on a line with the said Conger's wharf front, to the pier of the Delaware, Maryland and Virginia railroad; thence in about a northwesterly direction, by and with the said Delaware, Maryland and Virginia railroad pier, to a line with the beginning; thence in about a northerly direction to the beginning; and the said George W. Bishop and John W. Smith, their heirs or assigns, shall have the right to charge and recover such fees as a compensation for the use of said wharf, as may have been agreed upon by and between the parties, or as are usual: provided, that this act shall be at all times under the control of the general assembly, and may be amended or repealed as may be deemed proper. Location.
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.