CHAP. 410.--An ACT to validate notes or certificates of indebtedness or any renewals thereof of the town of Cape Charles aggregating one hundred and eighty-nine thousand, forty-four dollars and fifty-six cents ($189,044.56), and providing for the payme...
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the town of Cape Charles, aggregating one hundred and eighty-nine thousand, forty-four dollarsand fifty-six cents ($189,044.56), issued by said town pursuant to ordinances adopted by the mayor and council thereof in the years nineteen hundred and twenty-four and nineteen hundred and twenty-five, payable to Robert G. Lassiter and Co., or bearer, for the payment of the cost of construction of streets in said town, or of any renewal of said notes or certificates of indebtedness or any part thereof, be, and the same are hereby, validated, and said notes or certificates of indebtedness or renewals thereof are hereby declared to be the general obligations of said town of Cape Charles, and to have all of the characteristics of negotiable instruments, and the town council of the town of Cape Charles is hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect such taxes on real estate and tangible personal property within the town of Cape Charles, as the council of said town may determine, and a further tax at a rate not in conflict with the general laws of the State of Virginia on all intangible property in said town as may be necessary to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said notes or certificates of indebtedness or any renewals thereof.
2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.