CHAP. 183.--An ACT to incorporate the eastern shore of Virginia produce exchange.
Approved January 26, 1900.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That Benjamin T. Gunter, John E. Nottingham, Thomas B. Quinby, William A. Burton, L. Thomas LeCato, John W. Bowdoin, John H. Ayres, Albert J. McMath, Thomas B. James, Levin James Hyslup, Hezekiah A. Wescott, William L. Elzey, John H. Roberts, William B. Pitts, George Walter Mapp, John T. Wilkins, and William E. Thomas, citizens of the counties of Accomac and Northampton, in the state of Virginia, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they hereby are, constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of the Eastern shore of Virginia produce exchange, and by that name shall be known in law, and shall have perpetual succession, and the power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, make and have a common seal and alter the same at pleasure, and shall have, exercise, and. enjoy all the rights, powers. and privileges pertaining to corporate bodies and necessary for the purposes hereinafter set forth; and said corporation may make a constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations consistent with the existing laws of this state for the government of all under its authority, for the management of its estates and properties, for the due and orderly conduct of its business and affairs, for the collection, investment, and disbursement of all funds under its control.
2. The general objects and purposes of said corporation shall be the buying and selling of produce, the selling of produce as agent of the producer, the consigning of produce as agent of the producer, inspecting all produce it may handle, owning and operating storage warehouses and packing houses for produce, and generally all other lawful things customarily connected with the trade known as the produce business.
3. The capital stock of the said corporation shall be not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), and not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), and shall be divided into shares of five dollars ($5.00) each.
4. The officers and managers of said corporation shall be a board of general directors, president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, business manager, general inspector, local boards, local agents, and local inspectors, and such other officers and employees as the by-laws of said corporation may from time to time prescribe, and the powers, duties, terms of office, method of election or appointment, and method of removal of all said officers, managers, and employees shall be such as the by-laws and rules and regulations of said corporation may from time to time prescribe.
5. The said corporation may acquire and hold real estate by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, not to exceed two hundred and fifty acres (250), for the purposes of its business, and said corporation may further acquire and hold by grant or purchase any real estate sold at public auction for a debt due to said corporation.
6. The principal office of said corporation shall be in the town of Onley, in the county of Accomac, in the state of Virginia.
7. All taxes, dues, assessments or charges due to the state of Virginia from the corporation aforesaid shall be paid in lawful money of the United States, and not in coupons cut from the bonds of this state.
8. This act shall be in force from its passage.