Mr. Sheppard, from the Committee on Commerce submitted the following REPORT.
[To accompany S. 2961.]
The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2961) authorizing the county of Accomac, Va., to construct certain bridges to connect Chincoteague Island and the mainland, have considered the same and report thereon with the recommendation that the bill to pass with certain amendments.
The committee recommends that on page 1, lines 4 and 5, after the word "operate" insert: at points suitable to the interests of navigation.
On page 1, line 6, strike out "Queens Sound" and insert: "Queen Sound" also in line 7 strike out "Blacks Narrows" and insert the words "Black Narrows".
The above amendments are suggested by the War Department, as will be seen by the attached letter approving this legislation which is made a part of this report.